I hereby declare that all NSFW posts are no longer available on M[c]S, unless you are a M[c]S Premium Member. Those of you that are premium members already know about this. If you are NOT a premium member, please do not ask about it, you will never be premium if you have to ask.
If you want NSFW material, go over to www.randomnude.com, where there is plenty. The desiccated remains of the NSFW material will remain on M[c]S, if only as a reminder of what we’ve truely lost.
Thank you.
not sure if its a joke or not… if it is, HAHA. if not, then shit that teh sucks
wow, truly sad. And I just got here and I like looking at tits too. Damn!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And tiki finally figures out from the best how to alienate his userbase and turn his site into a porn-pay site! Good thing I know not to waste my money because most of his NSFW posts are actually quite safe for work.
When will people learn from people like google and youtube, the real money is in making a good site, he was well on his way, but when half the posts aren’t accessible, I suspect he will have a nearly nonexistent retention rate for new users.
orsm.net, anyone?
Well you’ve definitely started the decline of this site. I wait to see how long it is before I stop visiting.
Tiki’s gonna start charging for people to look at posts?
What a tit.
good thing i have a diamond account
Uh, I could be wrong, but I don’t think Tiki wants anyone to pay anything.
I suppose premium members are simply the people Tiki knows really really (naked pictures etc) well, or personally even.
And yea I don’t really like it either, but Tiki can do whatever he wants to. And if he would start to post nothing but Obama porn, I would still come here. Strike that, I would come here especially for that.
‘Cause I’m loyal like that. So fuck y’all.
@Tiki – Stop breaking the site goddamnit.
This is why we can’t have nice things. Sigh.
Can I be a premmie? Am I a premmie already?
Oh, and I just went over to randomnude. Didn’t really see any witty comments, in fact, hardly saw -any- comments. Keep it NSFW here man. Come on. Leave well enough alone!
@...dieAntagonista: … but that’s even worse! I come here to make tiki money for the hits on his ads, but I’m not one of his “favorites” so im not allowed to see?
That’s bullshit.
I was able to see them literally 30 seconds ago, but can’t now. How come I’ve been demoted? 🙁
Same here.
@...camusapprentice: Let me repeat, he can do anything. His site, his rules.
And I don’t think it has anything to do with being one of his ‘favourites’ either. Those are just the reliable people who help him out with posting. There’s really nothing you can say against that.
If you really appreciate the site and the people, you will come here anyway. And if something like this small banal thing is reason enough for you to leave or whatever, I don’t see how you can expect Tiki to do anything differently just because of you. No offense.
What if you have NSFW posts… can you even see your own submissions?
Also @Tiki, I submitted an NSFW post before this post, should you approve it, will it get posted on RandomNude or what.
The only problem I have with RandomNude is that you mostly post complete sets of pictures of one model or whatever. They look interesting sometimes, but for the most part they seem pretty soulless as compared to naked pictures of amateur photographers. You get what I mean?
And to find sets like that you have to look for them on purpose. I think most people find just one or two pictures of naked women by accident, which they want to post. I’m not sure if that’s ok also.
see the forums for moar info
@...natedog: WHERE. I can’t find shit. Link please. Or are you just fucking with us.
If anything, MCS has gotten better over the last year. There’s a lot more variety and a higher standard for submissions now. Plus there’s more people to abuse in the comments these days. It’s not just the same 5 people in every post like it was over a year ago.
And when the site goes down, that either means Tiki is improving the site, or drunk. Both are acceptable.
I get it that the page produces tons of traffic, that somebody has to pay for, but separating the userbase in 2 classes is a really weird decision.
If it’s not about money, what is it then, a pending lawsuit?
@...AlecDalek: I know right. Oh look it’s one of my favourite victims.
@...Starkiller: Neither. It’s about one and only about one thing: alcohol
More rules…Lame.
i guess i passed
You dont have to sign in to watch porn. but you have to sign in to see NSFW pics on MCS? Gay?
@...riverdaledragon: Why hello there. Where have you been.
@...dieAntagonista: Working. Army stuff. Lol. How are you. Are we thinking 300 post on this topic as well. lol
Where are the first rules? I haven’t seen any besides the ones for uploading.
I rarely ever post and they still work for me….
good thing I am a premium member
Sounds good. Yea I’m doing great. Hey stop being nice, I planned on being mean to you.
300? Only? Man we already posted over 1000 comments on the Moldy Bible.
You got to post more comments.
We don’t have anyone to discuss controversial things with.
Yep, good to be above the rabble.
Also, it’s really hard to post comments. It keeps giving me the 300 error middle finger. Who is responsible for this and what will the compensation be.
I keep getting the 500 Error.WTF
@...dieAntagonista: Two words: Fri Day. Tiki is drinking.
It would seem I’m premium already. That being said. UID#9 FTW!
Tiki, are you trying to make those of us who click on the NSFW links feel special? See, that only works when few people can see the image. If everyone can see it, then everyone is a premier member. And it’s not really an exclusive club, is it?
Oh, I get it now. Tiki just wants us to all be logged in when we browse through his pages. I will admit that I’m here pretty much daily, but I rarely log in unless I want to submit an image or post a comment. Whatever…
@...dieAntagonista: HEY SCREW YOU AND YOUR MOM….(is that better.) lol. I am usually a calm guy. (just had a bad day) and 1000 for real. all for me. I should get a trophy for causing that EPIC convo. Yeah i keep getting that damn screen thing to man. TIKI is the worst MOD ever. lol
I am shit confused. What the hell is a premium member versus a regular? What makes the difference?
Im not internet- but my friend is. In order to get PAID for his ads (the ads on the page of which your seeing) He must prove a certin number of viewers each week. Only logged-in members are tracked in the log. Thus Tiki needs everyone to log in to get beer! Its FRIDAY! The Keg is on tiki!
@...dieAntagonista: you talk alot. it seems to anger some and please others.. lets continue shall we?
I noticed tiki took off the “buy him a beer” button.. that explains everything.
I dunno guys, something smells very fishy about this. I have a rather high UID and i am one of the more outspoken members of the site. I don’t think that qualifies me as a premium member considering tiki banned me once and we never talk directly for the most part.
also http://www.myconfinedspace.com/forum/topic.php?id=435
@...dieAntagonista: Yeah this is really hard with that error thing comming up all the time.. maybe next topic eh? lol
Ahaha. Nice. Alright so we’re cool then. Yeah it was all for you. All the people who commented the most have a poster with your name on it, hanging in their living rooms.
No but seriously, when the site works again, and if you have time, comment moar. Do it. OK? OK.
OK!!! well I dont know if I should be happy/concerned about people having posters of me on their walls. Whatever floats their boats i reckon. Lol Yeah i didnt go back to that topic after I left. haha. I bet people are still calling me a hypocrite. LOLz. Also, I am happy to be apart of Internet History lol.
Works and thanks, Tiki!
MCS- Only 100 pages from 2000! should i worry.. 2K?
Wow, premium membership is pri the fuck mo!
@...RSIxidor: Yeah I guess its all or nothing here. lol
Damn right. I’d be proud too. Probably.
Nah don’t take anyone too seriously on here, alright.
But you did say some silly shit. It’s all good though.
You seem like a pretty cool guy, and you’re probably not afraid of anything.
@...dieAntagonista: Everyone’s afraid of something, even soldiers. lol Ya I was mostly B.S.ing people that day. lol
Shut the fuck up.
Tiki you cut me, you cut me deep. Deep enough for my lazy ass to look up the password to this acct. ;-} Why don’t you post my submissions anymore? Was it something I said? I can change!!!
The “buy tiki a beer” has been gone for a while, at least a month…maybe more…or less…perhaps just right?
WHHHEEEEEEEE!!!! tiki must have gotten over his sober period, no more 500/404 blank pages staring at me….
@...riverdaledragon: Well hello. Welcome back.
Like the average American who’s turned 21 and forgets how hypocritical and stupid the rules are after they no longer apply to them:
I’m over it.
I am guessing your actions in the moldy bible thread was just Trollin. At least i hope so, i had a sneaking suspicion you were just getting people riled up…but it wouldn’t have been the first time i heard someone actually believing their own tripe. Either way i apologize for being a dick…you fucking asshole.
@...dieAntagonista: The only problem I have with RandomNude is that you mostly post complete sets of pictures of one model or whatever. They look interesting sometimes, but for the most part they seem pretty soulless as compared to naked pictures of amateur photographers. You get what I mean?
And to find sets like that you have to look for them on purpose. I think most people find just one or two pictures of naked women by accident, which they want to post. I’m not sure if that’s ok also.
I couldn`t have said it better. A single pic that`s NSFW just doesn`t work over there, and no funny comments there either. Plus not all NSFW stuff is tits and ass. MCS needs NSFW goddammit. Sure, my opinion doesn`t mean dick, but stop “vanilla-ing” MCS!
@...thelotuseater725: Apology accepted cock sucker. lol jk.
@...thelotuseater725: @...dieAntagonista: So, we don’t hate riverdaledragon anymore? Just so I know, gotta keep all this straight you know.
i do not approve
@...nyokki: Hate? nah that is reserved for true evil. Like jellybeans. Nasty,gummy evil jellybeans. But I ‘ll keep a spoon at the ready.
@...Demon: Hear hear. Tiki where are you. Can you hear us?
Everyone knows this is a joke right? Tiki just wants us to be logged in. I don’t want to see any murder suicides over this.
But everybody loves the PORN Tiki!!!!!!!!!! softcore or otherwise…
@...SumoSnipe: Oh, I so hate those evil jelly beans. They try to act all pretty and tasty, but it is a lie; besides, they’re always stale.
i am not asking about premium membership, just about the whole thing in general.
riverdaledragon is retarded. Pure and simple. Kind of like him. Simple. Go back and read his posts. Bad day or not, they are an insight into his narrow little bigoted mind. That and I have it on good authority that he smells like old people urine.
Flying Spaghetti Monster I hate your screen name rdd.
@...garbledxmission: I thought so. I was pretty sure we hated him. ;<)
Just keep me laughing at work (and thus, not killing myself or others) and do what the fuck you want to. It’s your internets, I just lurk here.
so i just noticed that the NSFW thingy, i normally only sign at work so i try to not look at this stuff then, just getting a chance, now i didnt think i had premium account but i can see this stuff so is it just because i have been here a while and made a few comments makes me a premium member? and no i dont want to take the time to go look through the forums that would prob be to easy…
@...SumoSnipe: forget our plan…
damn you guys. now he’s all jolly fruit cakes cannot make fun of his religion. can i? oh yea @...riverdaledragon: dieA is manipulating you, i wouldn’t believe her if i were you.
@...ColombianMonkey: @...SumoSnipe: I’m working on a new one (American Perv), but I need help. I may be losing him.
I am in fact, a manipulative motherfucker, what’s your point? Everyone knows that.
Excellent work, I must say. You practically squeezed him dry.
@...dieAntagonista: Your help is welcome too. 😉
@...dieAntagonista: i know you know i know but he didn’t know that you know that you’re a (the acting of sexual intercourse with hot mature mothers) manipulative person.
@...ColombianMonkey: Pfffft.