You have to love Seras Victoria(police girl)and Alucard’s Jackal its just a awesome handgun(cannon). I do think Hellsing Ultimate is the better of the series, It just has more to offer.
Note: Seras is a vampire, of a very pure bloodline. A normal human woman could not even LIFT the Harkonnen, let alone FIRE it. She swings it around like it was made of PVC pipe.
@...sylvanish: DAMN-Homoland insecurity is quick- “file not found//” try youtube i guess.i was @... a blog. They are canadian tests and live from battle videos..from canadian snipers. Awsome people. -but this internet- it’ll be somewhere…
If memory serves, Seras is herself not actually a pureblood vampire. But she was turned by Alucard, who is of the purest vampire blood evar.
Seras, having starting off life as a human, can never be a pureblood. But Alucards essence running through her veins is more than enough to make her just as powerful (if not more so) than a pureblood of lesser pedigree…
I consider a pure blood a vampire who is a direct descendant of Vlad Dracul by birth/blood. Any other definition makes the term meaningless, since (at least according to the specific lore Hellsing appears to follow) every single other vampire in existence has had to be turned.
Vlad himself was born a human, and was turned into a vampire at some point during his life, though the exact explanation for how this occurred varies depending on which legend you read.
However what makes Alucard interesting is that He did not gain his abilities by sucking the blood of other vampires. In no traditional vampire lore does it work that way. Not even in Hellsings admittedly slighly deviant canon. You can only gain as much power as the person whose essence you have taken, it is not cumulative.
The writers of the anime portrayed Alucard as the reincarnated spirit of Vlad Dracul himself. Hence the need for him to be summoned, when we first see him, and also the need for the magical seals to (initially at least) keep his essence in check. But that ultimately also explains why his powers seem so freakin’ limitless… 🙂
ThisIsWhyWeCantHaveNiceThings (#5817)
16 years ago
Wow, just…wow.
r slate
13 years ago
nicely intimidating love it!! keep up the groat work!
This picture is superb. She looks like a real life anime character. Moar? Please?
I want one of those.
I bet she’s really good in bed…
I thought she was from the 60’s. My bad.
This is awesome in so many ways.
That’s cosplay of Ceres Victoria from Hellsing.
@...NoOneInParticular: HOLY SHIT. I did think that it looked kind of familiar. Maybe if it was in colour I would have known.
works for me.
Could any armchair warfare specialists tell what that is?
@...Mack: fake.
@...SumoSnipe: lol
sooo she knows how to handles Long objects SO what?!
Object = sniper
That thing would have unimaginable recoil.
The gun is called “Harkonnen,” a reference to Frank Herbert’s “Dune.” Kohta Hirano created it for the “Hellsing” series.
@...reptilecobra13: Well arn’t you a showoff Mr. Dune Hellsing gun expert.
m-88 is better- saw some cool american home made iraq flicks- allthough watching any anti-tank, anti-persons- gun fire is pretty awsome..
You have to love Seras Victoria(police girl)and Alucard’s Jackal its just a awesome handgun(cannon). I do think Hellsing Ultimate is the better of the series, It just has more to offer.
she has a big head
@...Flappycunt: *Mcmillan m-88.
Freaking awesome. Hellsing Ultimate is a great show. Also the girl pulls it all off really well.
nice it’s police girl ^_^
Sweet. Hellsing, the rare manga that I actually kinda dug. Most of it is rubbish.
Think of the trigger discipline! Won’t somebody think of the trigger discipline?!
@...Flappycunt: Might you be a dear and point me in the direction of a good place to view such flicks?
pretty please and thank you
Her finger is nowhere near the trigger, so its all good as long as the safeties on, amirite?
Note: Seras is a vampire, of a very pure bloodline. A normal human woman could not even LIFT the Harkonnen, let alone FIRE it. She swings it around like it was made of PVC pipe.
@...sylvanish: DAMN-Homoland insecurity is quick- “file not found//” try youtube i guess.i was @... a blog. They are canadian tests and live from battle videos..from canadian snipers. Awsome people. -but this internet- it’ll be somewhere…
Exactly how I pictured SniperWolf in MGS2
@...Puulaahi: Why, yes, I am. 😀
brb need to use the washroom
lol, thanks anyhow
If memory serves, Seras is herself not actually a pureblood vampire. But she was turned by Alucard, who is of the purest vampire blood evar.
Seras, having starting off life as a human, can never be a pureblood. But Alucards essence running through her veins is more than enough to make her just as powerful (if not more so) than a pureblood of lesser pedigree…
Man, I LOVE Hellsing…
Van Hellsing!!!!! Awesome Character look alike!!
Hey Phyreblade, thanks for posting a pic of your girlfriend
you lucky B@...stard
I was trying not to give away that particular spoiler.
And define pureblood. If I recall correctly, Alucard was human once. He just happens to have sucked enough blood to power up to Walking God level.
I consider a pure blood a vampire who is a direct descendant of Vlad Dracul by birth/blood. Any other definition makes the term meaningless, since (at least according to the specific lore Hellsing appears to follow) every single other vampire in existence has had to be turned.
Vlad himself was born a human, and was turned into a vampire at some point during his life, though the exact explanation for how this occurred varies depending on which legend you read.
However what makes Alucard interesting is that He did not gain his abilities by sucking the blood of other vampires. In no traditional vampire lore does it work that way. Not even in Hellsings admittedly slighly deviant canon. You can only gain as much power as the person whose essence you have taken, it is not cumulative.
The writers of the anime portrayed Alucard as the reincarnated spirit of Vlad Dracul himself. Hence the need for him to be summoned, when we first see him, and also the need for the magical seals to (initially at least) keep his essence in check. But that ultimately also explains why his powers seem so freakin’ limitless… 🙂
Wow, just…wow.
nicely intimidating love it!! keep up the groat work!