What do you think you’re doing Mr. Bison?
Get out of that car. You’re not a human.
You can’t even drive, you silly Bison.
Don’t you stick you’re tongue out at me!
Rental car = 150$
Road Trip to Canada = 500$
Having a Bison play tonsil hockey with you?
kaztheberserk (#1393)
16 years ago
I assume this is at Parc Omega, those animals are bold as hell. I went there once as a kid, and a goat climbed into the van. We probably could have stolen it.
Kiss me you fool!
nice headrests.
oh, and nice tongue.
thats an awesome word – tongue.
Rosie O’Donnell, you get out of my car RIGHT NOW!!
What do you think you’re doing Mr. Bison?
Get out of that car. You’re not a human.
You can’t even drive, you silly Bison.
Don’t you stick you’re tongue out at me!
he sharing some free sample glue http://images.google.nl/images?q=Bison%20glue&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi
The buffalo thinks the seat is his cousin Bob!
Bison is not a buffalo!
Rental car = 150$
Road Trip to Canada = 500$
Having a Bison play tonsil hockey with you?
I assume this is at Parc Omega, those animals are bold as hell. I went there once as a kid, and a goat climbed into the van. We probably could have stolen it.