I saw this with my buddy Drew driving through an Hurricane Ike-ravaged part of Houston (Antione & 43rd). It appears this tree is still fallen in somebody’s front yard. Ike happened in the middle of September 2008 and this was yesterday 01/10/09…four months later!! Hey, even if our city doesn’t get cleaned up, at least the teddy bears stay happy!
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let’s see how fast you can clean up a big fucking hurricane
Well, you’d think the homeowner would have gotten around to cleaning it up themselves by now.
I know a lot of people were told to leave their shit as is so the adjusters could take photos and things like that. 3 hurricanes hit nearly the same quadrant rone right after another. Dolly, Gustav, then Ike. The insurance companies say they are overwhelmed with claims. Glaveston is still pretty screwed up. Here in New Orleans, people are still complaining about Katrina.
They must have no home-owners association in that area…Somebody would have complained by now.
Is it just me, or does it seem like the teddy is saying “Look at the destruction I have brought down upon your heads!” or “Look what I did!”?
Definitely “I r Teddy, Destroyer of Worlds!”