You knew it was just a matter of time before we created something this fucking dangerous. And no one would\’ve guessed that it\’d come from Canada.
Meet Dextre
Added on January 13th, 2009 by Liam4Now | Report Post
Tags:APOD, Motivational Posters, NASA, Science!, Space, Wallpaper
Tags:APOD, Motivational Posters, NASA, Science!, Space, Wallpaper
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Runs on Canadian Bacon aye.
I only know one other person that’s seen that. Farah Faucet, Harvey Keitel, Kirk Douglas…good.
What’s this ala boot?
@...Puulaahi: It’s spelt ‘Eh’ thank you kindly. You’d think making it only two letters would make it easy on them, eh?
@...Sarcastastic: It’s the pirate way, Frenchie.
@gary Scenario
I’ve seen it! Back in the early 80s, in my cousins’ basement. There’s like one scene where you see FF’s sweet nekkid butt, and another where she’s wearing a towel, barely, maybe a slip. Didn’t know that was Harvey Keitel, though. And yeah…good flick.
if this thing becomes self aware, it wouldn’t have to do much to make it to the surface of the planet