fail, this is just a hard alcohol drink. the chemical thujone is too low to get the devastating effect that made this drink ubar. so if you got your bottle before 1915 you got the serious shit.
@...natedog: Traditional Absinthe is considered bitter and strong. So it is traditionally diluted with cold water and sugar. Generally you dilute 1 part absinthe with 5 parts water.
The french method is as follows:
pour one shot (approx 1oz) Absinthe into a glass.
Then place a perforated Absinthe spoon over the glass.
Place a few sugar cubes on the spoon
Slowly pour ice cold water (approx 5 oz) over the cubes so that they melt into the glass.
@...Puulaahi: You do realize that Lucid, which isn’t that hard to find, is based around chemical analysis of turn-of-the-century bottles, and is probably as close as you are going to get without buying 100 year old bottles, right?
Syringe is filled w/ CO2, injected into bottle and an equal amount of liquid withdrawn.
We didn’t buy the bottle we had. Her ex husband’s cousin died and we raided his wine cellar. The stuff we had wasn’t all that bitter, aging is apparently good for it. Very smooth and after a quarter bottle we didn’t even bother adding sugar. More like tripping than being drunk. Screw the liver, I’d do it again in a heartbeat.
Yup, 105 years old when we cracked the bottle.
thujone =/= Tripping. “the fact that some of the herbal compounds in the drink act as stimulants, while others act as sedatives, creating an overall lucid effect of awakening.”- WIKI
This might not be true. On a side note- Thujone in the blood, the body does NOT build a tolerance to the compounds in it unlike shrooms(the more you do overtime, the less the effect) With thujone- the more you do- the more is built up in your body and possible “trippin” can occur- add %70 alcohol and lucid is a guarantee. I would suggest a few shots a day for a week and more on the weekend to induce “Tripping”.
@Flappycunt: Yeah, the black licorice is exactly what was so nasty about it. And, to top it off, I didn’t even get buzzed off it. What a freakin’ waste!
I love every last one of you, for providing me with entertainment and helpful info at the same time.
Twee (#5301)
16 years ago
I had some of this a few months ago, but it wasn’t the 100-year-old stuff. I tried it the traditional way, with sugar and water added and decided that enhancing the anise flavor with sweetness just made it nastier. I ended up taking slugs from the bottle.
My friends and I had fun watching each other making faces after taking slugs.
As a psychonaut, I’ve tried Lucid’s Absinthe, and the mere taste of it made me fucking hurl. GROSS. I managed to down a bit more (pinching your nose works wonders) and found the only “psychoactive” sensation was being drunk…
@...ColombianMonkey: What he said. Absynthe has never, and will never, make you hallucinate. It’s a myth. I drink it all the time, and I’m in Switzerland (the originating country) all the time.
People only believe that because people keep saying it with such conviction. Like cars exploding from getting shot, or the American constitution being written on hemp. Don’t just say, “nuh-uh” (or doch), do the research!
@...Paul_Is_Drunk: The only time I’ve ever heard of hallucinations is mixing it w/ opium or laudanum. I didn’t hallucinate, but I never did, not on LSD, mesc, peyote or shrooms.
You are right. No visual hallucinations. I said it was like tripping. Physical body buzz, felt a bit like doing amphetamine mixed with quaaludes which were popular with my generation in the late 60s. A little like drinking wine and eating shrooms.
At any rate I like the taste and drink regular Pernod off the shelf. I’ve never had laudinum but I’ve enjoyed the ingredients on a number of occasions.
@nyokki: You missed out on the best reason to try any of those substances then! Poor thing. Don’t worry, though – I hallucinated enough for both of us.
@camusapprentice: I would prefer cognac over absinthe too. Share it if you got it.
Just awesome
Absinthe makes the tart grow fonder.
fail, this is just a hard alcohol drink. the chemical thujone is too low to get the devastating effect that made this drink ubar. so if you got your bottle before 1915 you got the serious shit.
Always have wanted to try Absinthe. The original Absinthe that is.
so WTF is the syringe for, besides the obvious. and whar’s the sugar?
@natedog-What? You have never seen From Hell with Johnny Depp?
@...natedog: Traditional Absinthe is considered bitter and strong. So it is traditionally diluted with cold water and sugar. Generally you dilute 1 part absinthe with 5 parts water.
The french method is as follows:
pour one shot (approx 1oz) Absinthe into a glass.
Then place a perforated Absinthe spoon over the glass.
Place a few sugar cubes on the spoon
Slowly pour ice cold water (approx 5 oz) over the cubes so that they melt into the glass.
Once glass is full mix with spoon.
@...Puulaahi: You do realize that Lucid, which isn’t that hard to find, is based around chemical analysis of turn-of-the-century bottles, and is probably as close as you are going to get without buying 100 year old bottles, right?
It’s Absinthe.
Try it. It’s pretty damn good.
@...the_wanderer: I think you mean ColombianMonkey. Fail. Get a pair of spectacles.
@...ColombianMonkey: Yeah, the description says “hundred year old”, so that makes 1909… before 1915.. so who failed?
Syringe is filled w/ CO2, injected into bottle and an equal amount of liquid withdrawn.
We didn’t buy the bottle we had. Her ex husband’s cousin died and we raided his wine cellar. The stuff we had wasn’t all that bitter, aging is apparently good for it. Very smooth and after a quarter bottle we didn’t even bother adding sugar. More like tripping than being drunk. Screw the liver, I’d do it again in a heartbeat.
Yup, 105 years old when we cracked the bottle.
oops … 100 yrs when we opened it. Don’t know where the 5 came from.
I tried absinthe from Amsterdam last year with my bff. All I have to say is: EW, YUCK, nasty.
thujone =/= Tripping. “the fact that some of the herbal compounds in the drink act as stimulants, while others act as sedatives, creating an overall lucid effect of awakening.”- WIKI
This might not be true. On a side note- Thujone in the blood, the body does NOT build a tolerance to the compounds in it unlike shrooms(the more you do overtime, the less the effect) With thujone- the more you do- the more is built up in your body and possible “trippin” can occur- add %70 alcohol and lucid is a guarantee. I would suggest a few shots a day for a week and more on the weekend to induce “Tripping”.
@...Annarchy: thats the %75 alcohol with anise. Anise taste like black licorice.
@Flappycunt: Yeah, the black licorice is exactly what was so nasty about it. And, to top it off, I didn’t even get buzzed off it. What a freakin’ waste!
fuck this fucking site and its disappearing comments.
It’s booze you cuntrags.
100 years old or not just snorth back a plate of the green liquid and get back to wasting your life.
‘bu bu bu…I knows mores than yous bout it cause I is a big boy now’…
Keep your google-fu and wikipedia bullshit to yourself.
Here: soak your weed stems in a bottle of Absinthe for a few months. Just keep adding more in. Then strain that and drink it.
I love every last one of you, for providing me with entertainment and helpful info at the same time.
I had some of this a few months ago, but it wasn’t the 100-year-old stuff. I tried it the traditional way, with sugar and water added and decided that enhancing the anise flavor with sweetness just made it nastier. I ended up taking slugs from the bottle.
My friends and I had fun watching each other making faces after taking slugs.
@magnus BUTTfoorson: google-fu? That’s the funniest thing I have read all day (that’s not work related)!
@...flyingcat88: the comments would be posted in future… doesn’t have to be about his situation.
Something here is wrong.
Why were you drinking absinthe late at night with your ex, having raided alckyhol from the cellar of her ex’s cousin?
I mean.
What the hell?
Had a few shots in Japan around 1981. Is it really made from Wormwood? Want moar!!!
I tried it once when living in France and laudanum was added (a few drops). Extreme high. Scary fucked-up.
As a psychonaut, I’ve tried Lucid’s Absinthe, and the mere taste of it made me fucking hurl. GROSS. I managed to down a bit more (pinching your nose works wonders) and found the only “psychoactive” sensation was being drunk…
hmmm, absinthe? thats okay.
Ive been having a hankering for some good cognac though.
@...ColombianMonkey: What he said. Absynthe has never, and will never, make you hallucinate. It’s a myth. I drink it all the time, and I’m in Switzerland (the originating country) all the time.
People only believe that because people keep saying it with such conviction. Like cars exploding from getting shot, or the American constitution being written on hemp. Don’t just say, “nuh-uh” (or doch), do the research!
@...Paul_Is_Drunk: The only time I’ve ever heard of hallucinations is mixing it w/ opium or laudanum. I didn’t hallucinate, but I never did, not on LSD, mesc, peyote or shrooms.
You are right. No visual hallucinations. I said it was like tripping. Physical body buzz, felt a bit like doing amphetamine mixed with quaaludes which were popular with my generation in the late 60s. A little like drinking wine and eating shrooms.
At any rate I like the taste and drink regular Pernod off the shelf. I’ve never had laudinum but I’ve enjoyed the ingredients on a number of occasions.
@...Paul_Is_Drunk: i know, but from the wiki sause is stated harmfull effect so doesnt really have to be hallucinations only.
@nyokki: You missed out on the best reason to try any of those substances then! Poor thing. Don’t worry, though – I hallucinated enough for both of us.
@camusapprentice: I would prefer cognac over absinthe too. Share it if you got it.