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My cat sends hugs to Tiki for putting so much effort into entertaining us all!

(seriously, dude deserves props, free beer, some donations and probably a bj or three…)

/me wonders if this will get posted 😀

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    Chat room!!!!!!!!


    THIS CAT IS INFECTED. God how much I love this fury ball. Outofucos better never invite me to her house because I’d steal this guy right away.


    Ill shot it, just too cute.


    I sooo want one one of these. Turkish Angora right? Unfortunately, the apartments I live in does not allow animals =(


    Anyone who reads this needs to come into the homosexual Meebo chatroom or they’re a close minded asshole terrorist who wants to kill innocent Americans.


    chat room? where?


    Chatroom link is in the top left corner, under the MY CONFINED SPACE link. GO GO GO GO GO


    Chat doesn’t seem to want to work. *stab*


    desu desu desu desu desu desu


    outofocus: so he would open dieAntagonista up 😮 i already loving that cat.


    way to post more, outofocus. now post more more.


    oh, and cute cat.


    nope. not going near it. Don’t need Akbar, it is a trap. You get in lured in by the cute, then BAM ten daggers latch in your sensitive bits and then what? dieA is right, that is a fury ball, and the pin is barely in by a whisker.


    i love the double the double eye color

    dieAntagonista: *giving you “THAT” look*


    outofocus: i thought that was slyvanish job


    outofocus: care to explain? ^^


    No, no, no, it’s not infected. It’s just a carrier… OF TEH KYOOT! 😛


    outofocus: Hey, don laff… is srs bidness… it r hilee kontagus… It r lead 2 unkntrollabl “Bawwwww”ing an stuff liek dat…


    outofocus: LOL What is the world coming to? I think i’m going to petition for Lolspeak to become required learning in every education system worldwide…

    Please allow me to translate:

    “Hey, don’t laugh. It’s serious business. It is highly contagious. It can leads to things like uncontrollable “awwww”ing and other related symptoms…”

    This is, in fact a well known disease in the lolcat community… 🙂


    outofocus: your right lets stay on focus and not outofocus 🙂


    outofocus: Pfft… Spoilsport… :p

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