I sooo want one one of these. Turkish Angora right? Unfortunately, the apartments I live in does not allow animals =(
16 years ago
Anyone who reads this needs to come into the homosexual Meebo chatroom or they’re a close minded asshole terrorist who wants to kill innocent Americans.
@...Asinine: He’s just a kitty I adopted. He wasn’t bred and they said that he’s a mix with some Siamese background.
@...dieAntagonista: You would make Oski very sad. He’s so attached to me. But he is a very sweet cat. He’s a little too smart though. He opens everything.
nope. not going near it. Don’t need Akbar, it is a trap. You get in lured in by the cute, then BAM ten daggers latch in your sensitive bits and then what? dieA is right, that is a fury ball, and the pin is barely in by a whisker.
@...SumoSnipe: Nah, it’s my OTHER cat, the demon spawn of antisocial that likes to hurt humans but he uses his teeth. Oski, the white kitty, is really gentle. He’s only scratched me twice. Once when running for a hair tie he got my foot which I was stupid enough to leave where he was doing a burn out and once when I was holding him and something scared the crap out of him and he did a ninja flip off my chest.
@...outofocus: LOL What is the world coming to? I think i’m going to petition for Lolspeak to become required learning in every education system worldwide…
Please allow me to translate:
“Hey, don’t laugh. It’s serious business. It is highly contagious. It can leads to things like uncontrollable “awwww”ing and other related symptoms…”
This is, in fact a well known disease in the lolcat community… 🙂
Chat room!!!!!!!!
THIS CAT IS INFECTED. God how much I love this fury ball. Outofucos better never invite me to her house because I’d steal this guy right away.
Ill shot it, just too cute.
I sooo want one one of these. Turkish Angora right? Unfortunately, the apartments I live in does not allow animals =(
Anyone who reads this needs to come into the homosexual Meebo chatroom or they’re a close minded asshole terrorist who wants to kill innocent Americans.
chat room? where?
Chatroom link is in the top left corner, under the MY CONFINED SPACE link. GO GO GO GO GO
@...Asinine: He’s just a kitty I adopted. He wasn’t bred and they said that he’s a mix with some Siamese background.
@...dieAntagonista: You would make Oski very sad. He’s so attached to me. But he is a very sweet cat. He’s a little too smart though. He opens everything.
Chat doesn’t seem to want to work. *stab*
desu desu desu desu desu desu
@...outofocus: so he would open dieAntagonista up 😮 i already loving that cat.
@...ColombianMonkey: YOU
way to post more, outofocus. now post more more.
oh, and cute cat.
nope. not going near it. Don’t need Akbar, it is a trap. You get in lured in by the cute, then BAM ten daggers latch in your sensitive bits and then what? dieA is right, that is a fury ball, and the pin is barely in by a whisker.
i love the double the double eye color
@...dieAntagonista: *giving you “THAT” look*
@...SumoSnipe: Nah, it’s my OTHER cat, the demon spawn of antisocial that likes to hurt humans but he uses his teeth. Oski, the white kitty, is really gentle. He’s only scratched me twice. Once when running for a hair tie he got my foot which I was stupid enough to leave where he was doing a burn out and once when I was holding him and something scared the crap out of him and he did a ninja flip off my chest.
@...ColombianMonkey: Oh yes. he would open her heart and make her melt. :p
@...jascas_: I didn’t even think of that. But I do have some posting ideas. :] I just found my discs of scanned prints from Ireland. Muah.
@...outofocus: i thought that was slyvanish job
@...ColombianMonkey: Yeah but that’s a different kind of melt.
@...outofocus: care to explain? ^^
No, no, no, it’s not infected. It’s just a carrier… OF TEH KYOOT! 😛
@...ColombianMonkey: There’s kewt melt and girl on girl melt.
@...Phyreblade: lol! “carrier of the kyoot”
@...outofocus: Hey, don laff… is srs bidness… it r hilee kontagus… It r lead 2 unkntrollabl “Bawwwww”ing an stuff liek dat…
@...Phyreblade: Sorry, I can’t read that…
@...outofocus: LOL What is the world coming to? I think i’m going to petition for Lolspeak to become required learning in every education system worldwide…
Please allow me to translate:
“Hey, don’t laugh. It’s serious business. It is highly contagious. It can leads to things like uncontrollable “awwww”ing and other related symptoms…”
This is, in fact a well known disease in the lolcat community… 🙂
@...Phyreblade: I am familiar. I just am not willing to put the effort into reading it. :p
I never read the comments to the lolcat pictures. It’s ok ON the pictures but people discussing the images that way? No thanks.
@...outofocus: your right lets stay on focus and not outofocus 🙂
@...outofocus: Pfft… Spoilsport… :p