There’s a whole in the world like a great black pit and the vermin of the world inhabit it and its morals aren’t worth what a pin can spit and it goes by the name of London.
@...dieAntagonista: I’ll admit Dublin isn’t terrible, but everyone thinks “go to Dublin, and that’s what Ireland is like”. Whereas Dublin is like nowhere else in Ireland. It’s just another city. You’re better off going to the west of the country to see the real hardcore farmer people.
SeriousLy, London is pretty shit most of the time. i’ve Lived here aLL my Life, and it’s not aLL peopLe expect it to be. That spot isn’t pretty. It’s fiLLed with hobos, drunkards and vioLent fights. i don’t even know how the photographer got it at such a quiet time
@...nyokki: Certain peopLe tend to not see the beauty in traditionaL pLaces Like that, especiaLLy if they have been their aLL their Life they become obLivious to what their hometowns have to offer. PersonaLLy I enjoy beautifuL pLaces, I can see past minor things Like poor peopLe, aLcohoLics and vioLent beahviour. In fact, I beLieve some pLaces are only beautifuL because of imperfect things Like that.
Do you understand what I mean nyokki or shaLL I expLain further?
I saw this just the other day whilst trolling various websites. I really like this picture.
I must go there.
Love it.
Beautiful. This is where I need to go. London or Dublin.
All the time my family spent in Europe and we never visited Britain. I get the feeling my dad and his family didn’t get along.
I’m waiting for Jack the Ripper or Sweeny Todd or Sherlock Holmes or Dr Jekyll or Mr Hyde to show up ! Creepy!
There’s a whole in the world like a great black pit and the vermin of the world inhabit it and its morals aren’t worth what a pin can spit and it goes by the name of London.
@...Puulaahi: That’s a hole lot of bullshit<)
@...dieAntagonista: Don’t go to Dublin, ’tis crap!
@...colonel-yum-yum: But why. My good friend is from Dublin. And I could go there to school for free. Do explain. Please.
@...dieAntagonista: I’ll admit Dublin isn’t terrible, but everyone thinks “go to Dublin, and that’s what Ireland is like”. Whereas Dublin is like nowhere else in Ireland. It’s just another city. You’re better off going to the west of the country to see the real hardcore farmer people.
MMmmmmmmmmmmm Guinness and free school is a plus. Damn USA edumication system.
Was at that spot the other day 🙂
SeriousLy, London is pretty shit most of the time. i’ve Lived here aLL my Life, and it’s not aLL peopLe expect it to be. That spot isn’t pretty. It’s fiLLed with hobos, drunkards and vioLent fights. i don’t even know how the photographer got it at such a quiet time
@...SonicX: ??
@...nyokki: Certain peopLe tend to not see the beauty in traditionaL pLaces Like that, especiaLLy if they have been their aLL their Life they become obLivious to what their hometowns have to offer. PersonaLLy I enjoy beautifuL pLaces, I can see past minor things Like poor peopLe, aLcohoLics and vioLent beahviour. In fact, I beLieve some pLaces are only beautifuL because of imperfect things Like that.
Do you understand what I mean nyokki or shaLL I expLain further?
@...dieAntagonista: That wasn’t my question. Apparently I’m missing something w/ the LLLLLLs.
@...nyokki: Haha I know, I’m just trying to poke fun at certain unappreciative people. :p
@...dieAntagonista: Poke away then.