Meh. I’d rather have one giant monitor. What am I supposed to do with this many laptops? Watch 9 different Clint Eastwood films at the same time? Oh. You know what, never mind. Do want.
Man and some call me crazy for having dual 22″ monitors. I pray to god those laptops are a render farm or some other type of cluster.
Although i would love to have that many monitors.
@...Sticky: That’s what I thought as well. At first. But then, you know it would be really a mess, and so many different monitors make it seem all cyber and shit. I think I’d prefer separate monitors which you can put together and use as one ubermonitor, or use separately. Aw yeah.
rather than that many small lcd monitors and laptops, I would opt for approx (3) 40″+ screen hd lcd tv’s, replace the chair with a plush couch and utilize the wonders of wireless tech for my peripherals, and have two computers, one as a server, for all my basic storage needs, and the other as my active plaything. also, a ps3, a wii and a 360 hdmi’d into each of the tv’s. (not the the wii needs hd, btwhtvr). Also a 12.2 surround sound system.
The next step is a holoprojector displaying brad pitt on one side of me and angelina jolie on the other, next to me on the couch, or else onto a separate loveseat, in a looping holo-display of them making out, for my private interests which are of no concern to you… then i’ll be content.
as well, a robotic manservant that responds to the vocal trigger of “God, fetch me a …”
@...sylvanish: why not get a holo of like 10 babes giving you a holo lapdance.. smarty -.-. this has always ponderd me, just because a person is soo famous and all but you never know maybe they suck so bad in bed. you know.. you know what i mean.
Holy crap. Assuming all those pictured are different accounts (and not duplicated monitors), this guy has way too much money. That’s like $400 per month just for subscription fees. Plus I’m guessing he didn’t buy all that hardware outright and some credit card company is very, very happy.
@...ColombianMonkey: That looks like a lot of setups that power plants have to monitor everything that’s going on both at that plant and all interconnected plants. Most definately looks commercial and not residential.
It is a Multiboxing set up. Sadly some people cant make enough friends in a mmo to raid. So they pay 20-30 subs and do 25 man content alone, controlling all the characters.
I’d rather have a Perfect 10 girlfriend.
That is the fuckin awesomesauce
Meh. I’d rather have one giant monitor. What am I supposed to do with this many laptops? Watch 9 different Clint Eastwood films at the same time? Oh. You know what, never mind. Do want.
You could have one ubermonitor and have nine different windows open on that one…
Man and some call me crazy for having dual 22″ monitors. I pray to god those laptops are a render farm or some other type of cluster.
Although i would love to have that many monitors.
@...Puulaahi: Who wouldn’t?
And obviously this guy doesn’t if he has money for 20 laptops.
I don’t know whether to laugh or vomit…
Think of how big I could draw my Batman on MS-Paint!!!!!
@...Sticky: That’s what I thought as well. At first. But then, you know it would be really a mess, and so many different monitors make it seem all cyber and shit. I think I’d prefer separate monitors which you can put together and use as one ubermonitor, or use separately. Aw yeah.
This is relevant to my interests.
Isn’t that a picture from the guy who had about 16 different WOW accounts and that is how he played them…. simultaneously?
rather than that many small lcd monitors and laptops, I would opt for approx (3) 40″+ screen hd lcd tv’s, replace the chair with a plush couch and utilize the wonders of wireless tech for my peripherals, and have two computers, one as a server, for all my basic storage needs, and the other as my active plaything. also, a ps3, a wii and a 360 hdmi’d into each of the tv’s. (not the the wii needs hd, btwhtvr). Also a 12.2 surround sound system.
The next step is a holoprojector displaying brad pitt on one side of me and angelina jolie on the other, next to me on the couch, or else onto a separate loveseat, in a looping holo-display of them making out, for my private interests which are of no concern to you… then i’ll be content.
as well, a robotic manservant that responds to the vocal trigger of “God, fetch me a …”
@...sylvanish: why not get a holo of like 10 babes giving you a holo lapdance.. smarty -.-. this has always ponderd me, just because a person is soo famous and all but you never know maybe they suck so bad in bed. you know.. you know what i mean.
@...dieAntagonista: this is what you wish? well today is your special day because you will recieve a free pair of spectacles & tanning machine & instant latte/coffee/espresso/decaf machine and your new chair has a built in toilet.
Holy crap. Assuming all those pictured are different accounts (and not duplicated monitors), this guy has way too much money. That’s like $400 per month just for subscription fees. Plus I’m guessing he didn’t buy all that hardware outright and some credit card company is very, very happy.
Yeah… mine is still better by virtue of sheer volume!
I first saw this and thought it was pretty cool. Then I saw all the trackball mice and realized how gay it was.
I think they’re duplicates.
But that’s not the point.
The point is
With the money this guy spent on all this stuff.
He could have bought a shitload of whores
And lost his virginity in style.
@Elepski – Maintaining a wall of monitors at work doesn’t count – Fail.
But I’m sure this gentleman and yourself have a lot to talk about concerning your many (cough, cough) sexual conquests…
@...rafter: hahaha totally thought the same thing
@...ColombianMonkey: That looks like a lot of setups that power plants have to monitor everything that’s going on both at that plant and all interconnected plants. Most definately looks commercial and not residential.
@...ColombianMonkey: BLOODY HELL. That’s EXACTLY what I need. Social skills? Human contact? Fuck. That. Shit.
Lets remember that one is a profession.. and and the other is an obsession.
And I assure you that my profession has no relevance on my social life.
@...dieAntagonista: your scaring me 🙁
It is a Multiboxing set up. Sadly some people cant make enough friends in a mmo to raid. So they pay 20-30 subs and do 25 man content alone, controlling all the characters.
@...dieAntagonista: ROFL… WIN. Ur reeding mah mind nao?
@...ColombianMonkey: Muahahah
@...Phyreblade: You bet. HIGH5