Ah we’re not so bad. Sometimes I mix caffeine and subtle drugs in my pets food, and take pictures as they have seizures after having eaten the food. No biggie.
@...sylvanish: Those are my thoughts exactly whenever I read any of your words. And that’s the first time anyone has ever wished for the omniverse to bless me. Thank you.
I met a guy who claimed to have fed his cat the Mushrooms
he said after that it could only ever walk by leaning against the house and never going any further than that, and it had problems with corners too, as far as the cat was concerened no more wall meant no more walking and it just stood there and howled for help
Please do.
I always wonder what owners who are so heavily influenced by the “funny captions on cute pets” fad do to thier pets to get these shots…
Ah we’re not so bad. Sometimes I mix caffeine and subtle drugs in my pets food, and take pictures as they have seizures after having eaten the food. No biggie.
@...dieAntagonista: I love you.
I don’t know how or why, but your way of words and things just sets me aflame in a most delightful way. Omniverse Bless you.
@...sylvanish: Those are my thoughts exactly whenever I read any of your words. And that’s the first time anyone has ever wished for the omniverse to bless me. Thank you.
i had this pic as my background until saturday. the pic that replaced it is coming soon!!!!
You two . . . you scare me sometimes.
@...RSIxidor: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmTGGpb5_Cw&feature=related (laughing this laugh)
@...ColombianMonkey: OMG! Me too…now.
Look up on youtube Cat + LSD…
Of course I don’t like cats that aren’t Lolcats.
Maybe thats why I love it so.
@...Putridity: That’s seriously fucked up. Really fucked up.
@...nyokki: I couldn’t even finish watching some of them.
I only ever saw the one of the cat in the perspex box…
It was swimming!
@...nyokki: he is actually a comedian here is one of his shows, http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=28894376&searchid=e9402cfd-18e0-4a9e-860b-05426bc9e425 45 mins long
he clearly shows why we latino’s are so crazy/funny
@...ColombianMonkey: What am I supposed to be watching?
this comedian, one of his shows.
@...ColombianMonkey: Ah. Ok, that’s not what came up first time I clicked on the link. It’s gonna take me a bit to get through 45 min.
@...ColombianMonkey: ROFL…
I met a guy who claimed to have fed his cat the Mushrooms
he said after that it could only ever walk by leaning against the house and never going any further than that, and it had problems with corners too, as far as the cat was concerened no more wall meant no more walking and it just stood there and howled for help
@KommissarKvC: wallcat?
I love cats, I just can’t eat a whole one by myself