A photochrom postcard (circa 1900) of the Pegnitz River, a short (115 km/71.5 mi) river in Franconia, Germany, as it passes through Nuremberg. The domed synagogue that can be seen in the background was destroyed in 1938 as part of the persecution of Jews by the Third Reich.
Nyokki, what exactly do you do?
Nyokki travels the universe on her computer…
I save more of her photos than anybodys.
@...the3g_ipwn: I profess, though on sabbatical right now. Great perk.
Do you have an after picture available?
@...nyokki: I can verify that.
And I can only second storminator‘s comment.
This is the closest I could find, the Pegnitz River through Nuremberg.
@nyokki: Thank you.