By the time you read this, I won’t be there (in the chatroom, which is where YOU should be), but maybe I will, and OMG I AM SO DRUNK AND YOU WILL NEVER BELIEVE WHAT I GOT FOR CHRISTMAS.

Also, I’m only making this post because Dreth totally IM’d me and was like “you wanna see my bitch tits” and I was all like, FUCK YEAH.


I’m bob by the way.

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    Dreth is actually a 78 year old hairy woman. I talked to her on Skype.


    and i’m a 13 year old 200 pound girl *giggle*


    ColombianMonkey: Ahaha. He calls girls that are cool with gross things open-minded, yet he accuses me of being a masochist because I like looking at disturbing stuff on the Internets. SO WHAT NOW.

    No but he’s really actually a woman. Living alone in a huge house with 62 cats.


    61 cats now, I mailed one to your 72-year old granny ass.


    Dreth: It already arrived…there’s a pic here somewhere. Oh yeah…


    either im slow but how doe masochist come into this isn’t masochist =>gratification gained from pain, deprivation, degradation, etc., inflicted or imposed on oneself, either as a result of one’s own actions or the actions of others, esp. the tendency to seek this form of gratification.


    When you look at something that disgusts you, then you bring yourself to do it again and again, you either like being disgusted or you’re fucking stupid.


    Dreth: Whoa, why so rude? In all honesty, you sounded like a dope guy. Most of my friends have this sarcastic dark humour like you, so it’s cool.


    Oh, I was explaining it to Colombian, I’ve no problems with it per se, if being a masochist and old is your thing, stick with it, don’t worry.


    You’re the one who has a thing for old hairy women, don’t try your reversed psychological tricks on me mister.


    his name was robert paulsen!!

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