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I have been a long time observer and voyeur of you people and you silly picture posting antics, so I thought I would join the fray. Here are a couple of pictures from restaurant’s around my town…..which is not that big. Enjoy!

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    I like how food, which is named after my city, is being sold all over the world.

    Voyeurs are always welcome.


    dieAntagonista: Hmmm. not finding Wienerschnitzel on the map….wait voyeurs welcome, but No cameras???


    He is refering, I think, to Vienna.


    SumoSnipe: Haha, you should maybe look only for Wien then 😉 in English it’s called Vienna, in German it’s Wien.

    Oh yea absolutely. Cameras? Bring it on.


    I knew some bosnians who had lived there and called it “bitch”.

    That always made me lul



    MacheteJak: She. And yes she is.


    OH. Love them little canned meats. Much easier to carry and eat than cats and pigeons


    dieAntagonista: Actually, I thought Hamburg.
    Great. now I have to buy a camera.


    SumoSnipe: Haha yeah I can’t take any credit for the hamburgers. But anything Wien- is from my city.

    Oh yes, you never know when you’re going to need a camera.


    you people?! who you callin you people?

    sorry, I’ve never had a chance to use that before.


    dieAntagonista: Sorry, I pulled a “Genderunkown: DefaultSelfGender”

    And I work at a classical music station. One call about pronouncing “Wiener Philharmoniker” like the hot dog “wiener” and you’ll NEVER do it again.

    (for english speakers, that’s Vee-EN-er Phil-Harm-ONI-ker)


    MacheteJak: OOOh I bet you love to pounce on pipples like I do when they pronounce it “Richard Vahg ner” Hell if you gonna do one name right do em both right!


    In the rule of, “I am speaking in a country that primarily uses English, I can therefore use the English Pronunciation” It is either Rich-ard WAG-ner or the Deutsch Rik-(h)ard Vahg-ner.

    Not the worst, but one of the most common, Guillaume Tell.

    It’s a Play about a Swiss hero, written in French, by an Italian. CALL HIM WILLIAM.

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