@...MikeBabaguh: @...dieAntagonista:
*shakes head* You both phail Racial Prejudice 101. Has naught to do with Asia or America. Also, you should technically be comparing countries, not continents ie American vs Japanese. But I digress. Point is:
Superman = Kryptonian =/= American
Goku = Saiyan =/= Japanese
In any case, Saiyans >>> Kryptonians. SuperSaiyans and Kryptonians aren’t even in the same league…
They’re still fighting? Or wait, this is the moment when Goku destroys every single atom that Superman is made of, amirite.
Superman isn’t made from atoms. He’s made from a million tiny Gokus, each of whom he has slain and woven into the fabric of his very being.
I’m afraid you are mistaken. Goku has more Superman in one dead skin cell, than Superman has in his entire body.
American superheroes > Asian superheroes.
Oh yes…I just went racial.
Everyone knows that the Japanese are way more fucked up in the head than the Americans. Naturally, their Superheroes are more extreme also.
Oh yes…I just went racial.
Goku>Superman Alot greater. Maybe if he was like the regular Goku without any super sayain forms it would be an even fight.
What about a fight between Superman and Goku’s sperm?
I definitely agree
You didn’t even try to prove your argument
We all know Goku Would win. He can blow up the world with his small finger than teleport some were else.
heres another from a few years a go
@...Avias: This is the internet. I don’t have to prove anything. Even Nazis know that.
Ok, but everyone knows Goku isn’t real.
and superman is a dead cripple. if goku can’t beat a crippled corpse, what good is he?
*shakes head* You both phail Racial Prejudice 101. Has naught to do with Asia or America. Also, you should technically be comparing countries, not continents ie American vs Japanese. But I digress. Point is:
Superman = Kryptonian =/= American
Goku = Saiyan =/= Japanese
In any case, Saiyans >>> Kryptonians. SuperSaiyans and Kryptonians aren’t even in the same league…
Here endeth my massively impressive nerdatribe. 🙂
And yes… I just went racial. 😛
I agree with dieAntagonista.
Superman is a total pussy. The comic book superhero of pussys.
@...Phyreblade: Haha oh noes. But I did compare Americans with Japanese. :p
Though I have to admit, I do compare America to other continents a lot. Not very pro of me.
@...dieAntagonista: Ah yes, indeed you did do the Japanese/American comparison. +5 internets 🙂