World’s most adorable cushion.
Where can I get one?
No Mr. Shark. Now that you are a pillow, you will suck MY dick!
You sex up cushions?
Not cool, mang
Not cool at all
@...multi_masked: i’m a shark! i’m a shark! suck my dick! i’m a shark!
I’m still not seeing any frikken laser beams.
@...nyokki: LOL I think you need to go straighten some folks out. Apparently the fundamental requirements for animals intended to be used for world domination seems to be lost on some people…
World’s most adorable cushion.
Where can I get one?
No Mr. Shark. Now that you are a pillow, you will suck MY dick!
You sex up cushions?
Not cool, mang
Not cool at all
i’m a shark!
i’m a shark!
suck my dick!
i’m a shark!
I’m still not seeing any frikken laser beams.
@...nyokki: LOL I think you need to go straighten some folks out. Apparently the fundamental requirements for animals intended to be used for world domination seems to be lost on some people…