Ok, so the moment that I turned off the ratings, the server’s processor load went down nearly 90%. I hope you noticed that MCS has been much snappier lately!
The sidebar login apparently was failing a lot, so I’ve changed the code out for something that seems to be working better. For those of you that have submitted posts, you’ll find a link to your submission’s status page.
Now that everything is running oh so greatly, I’ve enabled the ‘related posts’ item that you’ll find directly above the comments on the single post page. This has been on MCS for a while, but I was only using it for 404 error help.
(MCS just broke 18,000 posts, yay)
WOHOO. Yeah I’ve noticed the related posts item, it’s sweet. But you still need to reset my forums password mister.
And when are we going to be able to comment on the jokes on www.tikihumor.com ? Also, your job sounds awesome, I wish I had entertainingly stupid people calling me at work.
Your forum user name and password are the same ones that you use for the main MCS site, they share the same user table, so it’s impossible ™ for them to be different. I guess we’re about to find out that assumption of mine is wrong, but seriously, it should be the same!
You already can submit jokes to tikihumor, that site uses the same user db as MCS, so you can login with your MCS username and whatever. The submission link is on the right hand side, not very obvious, I’ll see what I can do to make it more visually noticeable.
I have gravatars kinda working over there, but can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong here…I’ll get it eventually with the help of some good whiskey….
@...tiki god:
Holy shit you’re right and it works. Fank you.
Ah nice, I didn’t know you could register/ log in on the submit page. It’s all good then.
Mmm whiskey… and don’t worry, even if you can’t figure it out. You’re still my hero.
also, that’s not from my job, that’s from whatever site it’s link to…
Must have missed that. I assumed that because it’s written in the first person. Pardon moi.
Thanks tiki!
tiki, you rock! Thank you for making mcs the most enjoyable part of my day.
18,000 posts, this makes me ponder “do i need to get a life” which then triggers the question “i have MCS what more do i need out of life?”
Is the submissions thing supposed to show me the status of a pending submission? Cause I only have one pending and its not listed there, just the last two approved ones are…
right now it should show you every except the declined ones. those just disappear without explanation when declined. I’m trying to convince the creator of that bit of code to move a couple things around 🙂
i check this website about every ten minutez… now with these updatez i might change that…. to every 7 and a half minutez
I can’t believe you declined this:
It’s fucking perfect for this site. Oh and even though just linked here, I claim credit for finding it.
I haven’t been able to get to internet-d for about a week. Is it going to be coming back?