red cross military

red cross military

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    She’s a British Army medic, not a member of the Red Cross.




    Here! Have a Med Kit!


    Pwnerade: That makes much more sense. I was under the impression the red cross doesn’t do any shooting.


    You want her to treat your wounds, wink wink nudge nudge? 😉

    The sweet-looking bullpup job is a SA-80, and the vehicle in the background is a Warrior IFV.



    you just like her bc she’s holding a gun from battefield 2.


    With that gun she’s a legal combatant under the Geneva Convention. Medics are non-combatants when properly marked (red cross on her arm) and unarmed.


    Wrong. Medics can carry non mass casualty producing weapons (no grenades, no machine guns) to protect themselves and their patients.


    (Why I gave blood)


    wait she can treat my wounds, and kill off the zombies that are coming after me!?!?!?!? I think i just found the perfect woman. nomnom


    drdrewusaf: Yes, when in combat, or combat ready (ie. armed) medics are legitimate targets, however, if she drops the gun to treat someone she is protected under the Geneva Convention. Not that that means a great deal until after the war is won or lost, and even less to the individual killed, which is why she has a gun.

    British combat medics fight, with the exception of fixing bayonettes for hand to hand combat (which somehwat surprisingly still happens).


    Also wrong


    Shoot-em then fix-em! Makes sense.


    Incidentally, her name is Michelle Norris, she was awarded the military cross for treating a critically wounded soldier under heavy sniper fire (he survived being shot in the head thanks to her). She was 19 at the time, and it was her first battlefield casualty.

    Luke Magnifico

    And when I get that feeling

    (of being shot in the face)

    I want

    Sexual Heeealiiin’


    In b4 trigger disipline comments FTW!

    tiki god

    mld: trigger disipline ftl. keep your skank finger off the trigger unless you’re about to fire.

    and since there’s a tank behind you and a photog infront…

    Luke Magnifico

    She might be resting it against the guard.

    Or the photographer is a really shit enemy scout.


    She’s resting it on the guard unless she’s one of those freaky people who can bend the last knuckle with the first one straight, and she’s too sexy to be a freak.




    Trigger disipline comments, like tracers, work both ways, for good or ill.
    Merely noting I am in first before all the other trigger disipline folks.


    ok, back to the legitimate target bit… so if she’s hiding a couple of big guns under her shirt? Is she still shootable?


    Her trigger discipline is fine, and even if it wasn’t-so what? It’s clearly just a photo op.

    Also, I’d be very surprised if she wears that red cross into combat. It’s a bullseye, not an identifier that will keep you from being shot. Medics are force multipliers and are considered to be a higher value target, just like a radio operator, officers, etc. Wearing something like that out on a mission is just stupid.

    Under the Convention, medics are allowed to carry and operate weapons to defend themselves and their patients.


    A completely correct post.


    LukeV1-5: I lol’d. hard.
    LukeV1-5: I lol’d. harder.


    She looks like she could shoot me, fix the wound, and make me a sammich. Not in that order.



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