eBay Listing Removed: Hateful or Discriminatory (=PS &12363 JM126685256)
You recently listed the following auction-style listing:110153887349 – Wehrmacht Dagger Eickhorn German WW II
The auction-style listing was removed because it violated the eBay Hateful or Discriminatory policy. All fees related to this listing have been credited to your account. We also notified members who placed bids on the item that the listing has
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In order to ensure that all listings are consistent with the spirit of the worldwide community, eBay members are not allowed to sell items that may be viewed as promoting or glorifying hatred, violence, and racial or religious intolerance. Items that promote organizations with these views are also prohibited.
Accordingly, members are not allowed to sell items (such as helmets, daggers, and medals) that bear the Nazi, Neo-Nazi, or Aryan Nation symbols. Even if members block, crop, or simply don’t show the organization’s symbol in their listing, the items are still not permitted on eBay. Members are also not allowed to sell items that were owned by or affiliated with Nazi leaders.
For more information on the eBay Hateful or Discriminatory policy, please visit:
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Thats bullshit, I’m a Jew and I believe you should be able to sale whatever you want, I mean what the hell, it’s just a bunch of collectors and their weird obsessions.
It’s just a pussy ass WW2 German Sword. What’s the big deal. Wouldn’t even consider this hateful. I am sure there are worse things than this on ebay.
@...kiltedforbes: @...Puulaahi: You’re both prolly right, but ebay is a private company and has the right to allow or disallow anything they want.
I bought it originally on Ebay eight years ago. It’s the Europeans. They aren’t allowed to display or show war souvenirs. Nor are they allowed to disavow the final solution in any way, not even to dispute established numbers. If you wear your medals in Germany and you are a WW II veteran you better hide them under your coat. (many do).
@...Alte: For real?
WWII is a touch subject with the Germans. Which is understandable.
@killedforbes: quit reinforcing stereotypes
Yes @Puulaahi. Even the old German vets are banned from wearing the decorations they earned. I’m no Nazi but denying a man who fought for his country the right to display the pieces of metal he earned rankles me. I was in Berlin years ago while they were having some celebration or other. The old guys would slyly open their coats and quickly show their wound badges and iron crosses then close them again quickly so they wouldn’t get caught. It was fun buying them drinks and getting them to talk about the war.
Used to get my pint of White-lightnin’ from a nazi in Newport,TN.
That’s BS… regardless of the meaning of it.. it is a historical item… ignoring or excluding it because it was “bad” is just stupid. I smell lawsuit.
There are enough Nazis as it is. Not only the ‘brave veterans’ would want to do it if it was OK, but the Nazis would wanna do it too.
There is a reason why these things are looked down upon by society. To you it may seem like it’s just a bunch of people who recognise the historic value of these things.
But then there are enough other fanatics who think it’s more than just that. Do you people even realise what could happen if the wrong person gets something like this in their hands? And I don’t mean because it’s a weapon, but because of what some people might see in it.
There are reports about closet Nazis who discriminate, have ‘secret meetings’ and beat people up every other day in certain areas of Europe.
If you could ensure that there are none such fanatics out there anymore, it might be OK. Until then, just go to the museums and know in your heart what certain items may mean to you.
And before anyone calls me anything, I’m part Jewish and I have close friends who are the sons and daughters of certain veterans.
What’s with all the jew comments? I’m sick of them using WWII as a crutch. A hell of a lot more Russians and Europeans died in the war, why does on group of people try to claim all the sympathy? Seriously.
“What’s with all the jew comments?” – What’s with your face?
I beg your pardon? No one is trying to claim any sympathy.
I was talking about facts alright? It has nothing to do with Jews, it has all to do with Nazis. No one even claimed that only Jews died, so what is your problem.
@...Alte: What? Not allowed show their Kill-100-Innocent-Jewish-Civilians badge?
If you attempt genocide, then there will be repercussions.
@...Alte: Also, they barely fought for their own country’ By the time they fought for their country, they had already lost the war. They were fighting for the countries they had stolen.
Damn right. What Luke said.
you could probably sell a Quran on Ebay, and just look at the Muslims!!!!
A friend of my uncle who was injured in WW2 had the shrapnel made into a pendant he wore constantly.
Used to say it was more important than any medal he could have gotten since it was easy to survive having a medal pinned to you, it was considerably more serious when they tried to tag you with what made the shrapnel.
We’ve got already one guy who accuses Jews of taking advantage of people because of WW2.
Then another one who compares Islam to the genocide of 6 million people.
Now we need at least two more. One who claims that Hitler was an atheist, and another one who claims Hitler did what he did in the name of Christianity.
@...traptin85: Nobody claimed that it’s not history, you dipshit. I don’t know about where you’re from, but in my country they usually put stuff like this in a museum.
See what kind of people a post like this attracts. And people wonder why a private company thinks it’s a bad move to let people sell their Nazi gear to random people, by using their service.
They allow the sale of US Cavalry items from the 19th century. Uniforms, sabres, insignia. I wonder why it’s different? The genocide of native Americans vs. European Jews? There is no restriction on sales of Russian war memorabilia. They killed more civilians than the Nazis. Souvenirs aren’t necessarily hate items. How many neo-Nazis can afford a $500.00 dagger I wonder.
It’s more ridiculous to ignore the connection of German WWII artifacts from the Nazi reign and what they did than to ignore that there are people who are truly interested in the overall history of Germany in WWII while not condoning what the Nazis did. They can not and should not be separated. The only thing I have ever really heard Jews say is “Never Forget”. That it could happen in ultra-civilized Europe was shocking to people and it is certainly a lesson that needs to be learned and remembered.
Just sell it privately; I’d be amazed if one of us 5,000 didn’t want it just for conversation/historical value. How much was asking price?
It is partly because the Jews are keeping the memory alive. Part of it is because the Germans themselves have are acknowledging that part of their past. But I think mostly it’s because it was so deliberate. The idea behind it was so calculated. 6,000,000 Jews (and others) died because the Nazis (Hitler in particular) needed a scapegoat. They were chosen simply because they were separate and easy to direct hate at. They were not political prisoners; they were not criminals; they were living their life and in a few short months they were decimated.
Stalin committed genocide no doubt. We did a number on Native Americans and blacks, and we are trying to make up for it. Most, if not all, gov’ts have committed atrocities for various reasons, few have acknowledged it. I give the Germans credit for taking responsibility and trying to keep alive the idea that one can never relax ones vigilance against this sort of thing.
How many people are there still in the US who think they need to kill Native Americans?
The Russians never wanted to eradicate an entire race either.
If you sell stuff like this to the wrong person, you cannot know who they are and why they want it. YES it is of historic value, so what?
And excuse me, but you don’t know how many rich Nazis are out there or not.
There are people who would do anything to get their hands on this stuff because they approve of what the people did back then. So then what?
I’m not talking out of my ass. I have a neighbour who has a swastika tattooed on his head. He has to always wear a hat. One of his hobbies is to collect weapons. He’s been to jail, he beats non-white people up whenever he finds a reason and much more.
Do you think it’s a good idea if people like him are capable of acquiring god damn Nazi gear? Come on.
Try living with a Jewish name for at least a week in Austria or Germany and let’s see what you think that these people are capable of doing. Call them fanatics if you will, but one pussy ass WW2 German sword may be enough to make them snap.
No, we shouldn’t forget that lesson. Just take a look at the Magyar Gárda in Hungary.
And yes I admit that my opinion is fucking biased I don’t care.
I appreciate freedom alright, but not if there’s a chance that some wacko is going to use a rusty sword to stab some black person or a Jew.
And nobody argued my point yet, if it’s of historic value then put it into a fucking museum. When was the last time an atheist tried to buy the skeleton of a dinosaur because they believe in evolution and they value the evidence for it? Jesus Christ.
I can only second dieAntagonista’s statement. In my home village latent and open racism are even part of the ‘normal’ youth culture. Those are no skinheads but you should hear them talking about Jews, foreigners and whatnot.
we are trying to make up for it.
I am responsible for my actions alone.
I will not support any initiative that seeks recompense from me for the actions of assholes I have nothing to do with, just because I was born in the U.S.A..
My contribution to the world right now is to refrain from personally killing people I don’t like and stealing their stuff.
no WE didn’t, not you not me or anyone you will ever know.
If you gotta preach history FINE, but don’t try to assign blame generations after the fact, because it only helps to keep us divided.
The Russians didn’t want to eradicate an entire race?
Let’s ask some Ukrainians and Prussians (if you can even find the latter) about that.
They were more patient than the Nazis were, but starving the Ukraine (for example) was hardly NOT attempting genocide.
@...Destro: Dude, get over yourself. We are trying to make up for it because it was the gov’t that perpetrated those acts. So the gov’t is responsible for recompensing those that are left. It doesn’t necessarily matter that it wasn’t me specifically. It does matter that because of the actions of the gov’t some years ago that certain peoples are in a reduced state. It becomes our obligation to try to recompense for it. Do you think the current gov’t should not pay the Japanese families of those whose property was confiscated in WWII? Should we not give back land to those Native Americans whose land we cheated them out of? Do you not think the gov’t needs to recognize the injustices to blacks even after the end of the Civil War? Understand that I do not always agree w/ how we are trying to recompense, but that doesn’t change the fact that we need to, if for no other reason, so that we can move on and past it.
Well, I had my say. I’ll have no problem selling it or any of the other military items I own. There are plenty of sites besides Ebay that have no problem with listing the stuff.
My point was that it’s silly to equate an ARMY dagger with the killing of Jews.
As my dear old dad used to say, “Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.”
“So remember kids, dressing up like Hitler in school isn’t cool.”
Nazis@WW2: Epic fail!
@dieAntagonista: Jews are not a race. Also Gypsies are not. These are NATIONS.
@...Goldfinger: Danke.
How about addressing the points I mentioned?
I NEVER said anything that would imply that I equate an army dagger with the killing of Jews. But guess what, there are people who do. Whether you like to admit it or not.
But it’s OK I see you have no real arguments so you’re afraid of replying to me. Tough shit.
And as my dear father always says, “Tatsachen schafft man nicht dadurch aus der Welt, dass man sie ignoriert.”
@...asymon: Does it make you feel better if I call them Hebrews. Personally I don’t believe it’s really a race either, but fact is the majority of Jews believe it’s a race. Are you going to tell them what they are or not?
And no, Gypsies aren’t a nation? What in the world are you talking about.
Some of you people are wofeully fucking ignorant. Wermacht is regular army, conscripts, draftees and those that wanted to fight for their country but were not Nazi’s. Not the Wafffen which is SS and were all Nazi Party members. That means it ain’t Nazi, the person who carried and used it almost certainly wasn’t a Nazi.
Ignorant my ass. The problem is that you don’t get the point. Neo-Nazis don’t give a shit about what you said even if it’s true. These people are crazy for stuff like this, but obviously you have never met any or you would be aware of that.
And if it really was that harmless, than companies like eBay wouldn’t have a problem with it.
Your logic is somewhat circular, companies like Ebay ban this stuff because of ignorance and laziness aa well as the dread desire to avoid any possible sniff of upsetting someone. Ergo it gets smeared with unfair Nazi connotations. It seems damned unfair to me to call someone a Nazi for serving in their country’s army anymore than it is fair to call any american vet a murdering child killing cunt for crispy frying Japan with a nuke.
Regarding if it is true or not, I invite you to look it up. There are a variety of historical works on the subject out there documenting the antipathy between the Nazi party SS troopers and the regular German army. Rommel for example hated and loathed SS troops and refused to pollute his men by using them alongside such troops.
Using Ebay as judge of what is harmless or not is like giving the film censors the keys to your video collection and telling them to decide what you can watch.
For example Ratzinger the current pope was forced to join the Hitler Jugend to be allowed to study at Catholic seminary. Does that mean all catholic religious materials should be subjected to similar scrutiny?
seriously, its most likely some little pissant who had a couple of relatives go to a camp in WW2, and now that they work for Ebay, they think they can go on a witch-hunt against anything WW2 german
if they want to have a cry, they should look at all the ‘Mein Kampf’ and ‘Triumph of the Wills’ items that are on ebay
@dieAntagonista. Yes, you have found me out. My Neo-Nazi brothers and I are attempting to inundate the world with WW II memorabilia to further our rightious hatred of all things different. That and to get you to drink some more of that delicious koolaide. At night when you sleep I force my wife and daughters to dance naked around a fire fed by Wotan’s log while Wagner plays heavy in the background.
Or maybe, like many others, I see beauty in German war souvenirs because they were made with a quality and skill unmatched by almost all other Nations armies.
As to not answering your questions.. Try listening or perhaps ask one with some intelligence.
Further proof that you can’t comprehend any of the things I’ve said.
I didn’t call you a Neo-Nazi nor have I said anything that implies such. You know exactly what I said, but like I mentioned before, you’re afraid of facing the possible consequences of your doings.
I didn’t question your motives, I questioned the motives of those that want to buy your stuff. Please, do me a favour and actually try to bring some arguments up against the things I have ACTUALLY said. Too hard?
Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t see any beauty in German war souvenirs. I see only historic value and that’s it.
I have nothing against Germany or Austria. The sweetest people I have ever met were from Germany, and I love the German language with all my heart.
One of my best friends is a former Neo-Nazi. What more do you want to hear.
What is the reason people want these items, then, Alte? Is it so they can look at them every now and then, and glare, and say “Never Forget”?
Because the people who buy these kind of things don’t care whether it’s Nazi or Wehrmacht. They just think “Fuck yes, German WW2, probably still has Jewblood on it, awww fuck yeah”.
And that is the truth.
@...LukeV1-5: I love you
@...LukeV1-5: @...dieAntagonista: I know I’m a little late to the ball, and while I don’t share the pig-headed views of your counterparts in this thread, I would only like to ask where you two get the audacity to question someone elses motives. Perhaps there are those who are facinated with WW2 and are a collector of memorabilia from ALL countries involved. It was, after all, all out war on the largest scale the world has ever witnessed. I’m sure there are a few such collectors.
I also agree that Ebay is more concerned with their image than the feelings of the oppressed peoples of the world. If the Neo-Nazi were better funded than the Jewish, you would be able to buy Hitler’s only fucking nut on Ebay. It’s all about money and the company image protecting said money.
Alte mentioned that he wanted to sell it topeople in Europe. I happen to live in Austria and I know a LOT of Neo Nazis who love stuff like this.
You really need to come here and visit these countries to see how accepted antisemitism is. i#m not just making this up. if you knew the people I know you would understand why all this is so obvious to me.
@...dieAntagonista: You will never have me. I am a leaf on the wind.
@...the3g_ipwn: Where do I get the audacity, the right to say these things, to make these heinous generalizations without fear of redress?
It’s quite simple. I’m just a motherfucker.
Also @...dieAntagonista: , but not the first part, I don’t live in Austria. And I only know like 3 Neo Nazis, and 2 of them not so well.
But I know a buttload of Jews. And they’re fucking angry.
@...LukeV1-5: That sure is fortunate then. I want only the things I can’t have.
i’m only part Jewish though. And I can’t reallyget angry at anyone. Doesn’t matter how many wonderful English curse words I use. I couldn’t hurt a fly. But should you evr need a cheap replacemetn for one of those angry Jews
don’t worry your little head, I AM over myself.
America is a nation of immigrants. Most of these New Americans (1950 onward)had nothing to do with White Americas shitty history.
why should all americans pay for the misdeeds of a few long dead chumps. Find the rich schmucks whose family fortune is a result of american history and ask them for a hand out. but keep your white guilt out of my ethnically diverse federal government. I’m only part white and my non-white half doesn’t want to pay for your grandfathers bigotry.
conceptually speaking getting screwed over for being weak and stupid is almost a law of nature. defend yourself or die.
don’t buy microsoft products or colorful beads from white guys
otherwise you get what you deserve.
the world is REAL and DANGEROUS
i HAVE moved past the history of the U.S.A. I suggest America do the same.
native americans got a raw deal but they themselves didn’t believe in the ownership of the physical land our nation is built on. so technically it wasn’t stolen from them.
There is not a black man alive in the united states today that can use slavery and segregation as an excuse for why they don’t have as much as their neighbor.
I personally have friends who moved from Africa to america in the last 25 years and they are doing very well, why are the descendants of slaves less capable than a modern african immigrant?
why should mexican americans have anything to do with your laundry list of dirty deeds that WE americans need to make up for.
What this country needs is a historical BAILOUT,
start from zero.
Why do we need to remember the evil that men did in the past
in order to know evil is not O.K.?
Bigotry,hate, and general meanness is not O.K.
Whether or not anyone knows about six million dead jews
or the poor (casino owning, heritage shirking) native americans
or the downtrodden black american
or three million dead filipinos ( bet you didn’t know about that one)
evil is evil is evil
and it’s not O.K.
no matter what is in the history books.
@...Destro: First, I apologize for being condescending. I come off badly sometimes.
That said: There is no such thing as history being nothing more than history. It’s impossible to get beyond history w/out acknowledging and understanding it. You want to start from zero. What does that mean? Whose zero would we start w/? Again, I say that I do not agree w/ the way we’re handling the problems but I do honestly think that they do need to be dealt w/.
Something missing here….Alte stated he bought the blade off of EBay in the first place……How did that happen?
@...SumoSnipe: Perhaps ebay has changed its rules in the interim.
This is the kind of idiocy that concerns me.
@...nyokki: That is a total jackass of a father. I got into plenty of fights over teasing about my name in school, but those kids are going to be tortured. Would have done better naming him Sue, for fuck’s sake.
@...SumoSnipe: If he had any guts he would have changed his own name not his kids’.
dieAntagonista is part jew? Ovens break down for your grandparents? Get off your high horse.
@...nyokki: agreed.
@...The_Hanz: Not all Jews lived in Germany, you motherfucking scum.
When someone finally kills you, I will laugh, long and hard, my booming chuckles echoing off hills and through valleys, dispersing across the globe, and children will hear the sound and be amazed, and begin to laugh. And, as my laughter courses through the minds of people, who laugh in turn, and spread the joy, my laughter will be felt worldwide, and billions of people will feel overwhelming joy and satisfaction, all because your worthless, pathetic life, dedicated to jerking weakly to kiddie porn and thinking yourself a great man for beating your loving wife, who maintains that sometime soon you’re going to stop drinking, and then everything will be ok, has come to an end.
And that’s honestly how I feel about you.
@...LukeV1-5: This made my day.
Though you’re not doing a very good job at making me like you less.
History is written by the victors.
In my humble opinion that makes history fairly biased.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that acknowledging and understanding the holocaust and other massive human tragedies, still does not address the problem of an entire society rationalizing the oppression (or systematic eradication) of an entire people.
we’ve had this knowledge for at least 50 years, yet murder is still condoned for A or B reason by almost every governing body on the earth.
The zero we need to start from is the uniform agreement across the board that it is never EVER o.k. to behave thusly.
Yes I personally am aware and acknowledge the bloody tapestry of human history, but I would like to think that it is possible to understand why genocide is never an option, even if you are unaware that is has actually happened( as many children are).
I’m not saying ignore history, I’m saying we should not be made to suffer unduly because of it.
the Evil has passed, we should let it go and focus on the wonderful NOW we are lucky to have.
@...dieAntagonista: You can’t say I’m not doing my best.
Luke, they fit if your oven at home if you cut them up Mr. Internet Tough Guy!
1] I just double-checked, and yes, they still have mein kampf on Ebay, so WTF is the deal with a wehrmacht dagger?
2] Luke, about those angry jews, have you ever met one that got pissed off when they saw die-cast 1/35 plastic german soldiers,…I have and i still think its f**ked up
3] Hanz, if you want to kill jews, do you have to obey the rules of Kosher and make sure they die in the proper way?
@...LukeV1-5: I think you found riverdaledragons’ lost brother
@...Destro: Someone breaks the rules…then what?
@dieAntagonista Here’s your freedom: Irving said that while there was “no doubt 2 or 3 million Jews were killed,†there was “no proof” Adolf Hitler was aware of what was going on in Nazi Germany’s concentration camps. Irving, 69, was sentenced in 2006 to three years in prison in Austria for a speech he gave in 1989 denying the Holocaust. Holocaust denial is considered a crime in Austria. Do you Austrians still burn books as well?
@... nyokki
well if someone breaks the rules, we certainly should not attempt to make their grandchildren or great grandchildren have to answer for it. Or even bear the moral burden of their progenitors illicit behavior. We should allow these descendants the opportunity to prove their own integrity and not automatically hang the onus of the past upon them because of their genetic lineage.
@...Destro: How can they, if we keep resetting the clock?
You Sir are correct
no-one hangs the halo of shame over the americans for so many years of using black slaves across most of america, or the dutch for their starting the slave trade
most people dont even know about Pol Pot’s planned genocide in cambodia
no-one really cares about Stalin much anymore, in fact last I heard, about a quarter of Russians today would vote for him if they had a chance
So why keep crying about WW2?
its easy when you have jews like Steven Speilberg making blockbuster movies about WW2 and how evil germans apparently were back then
even though it was only the smallest SS division – the Totenkopf, that were the executioners, the propaganda machine tells the world that ALL germans were executioners
When was the last time you have been to Austria?
Do you have any idea what the situation here is?
Did you know that unlike other fine countries like America, Austria doesn’t keep record of racist/ discrimination crimes? There is only one private organisation who tries to do that, but they don’t have enough money to do a proper job.
Did you know that in all of Europe, Austria is the one country with the HIGHEST rate of racist/discrimination crimes? And the numbers aren’t even anywhere near the real number because like I mentioned, only poor volunteers try to do the government’s job.
No, we do not burn books. We keep honest people from trying to live their lives because of their skin colour and religion.
The fact that holocaust denial is illegal here, doesn’t make up for shit.
But hey, you brave white man don’t have to worry about that shit right? You’re as oblivious as 3 year old child.
The very fact that it has happened across the globe and is still happening today, is the reason we can not and should not forget it. If the families of the victims of Pol Pot, Stalin, Darfur, etc…were as determined as the Jews to say “Never forget!”, then perhaps we would all know of the other genocides throughout the centuries. The fact that it is only the Holocaust that gets discussed, shows that one group…the Jews have said: Never again. This must stop.
There was another famous Austrian who made laws that sent people to jail for ideas contrary to his own. He died in a bunker in Berlin in 1945. The entire world is full of intolerance. I doubt Austrians have a monopoly on that score. I lived in Europe for many years, saw a lot of it. Mostly against the Arabs.
You can’t legislate against ideas or opinion, you can only educate. Trying to outlaw items like daggers or medals just makes them that much more desirable. When you burn a book that has an opinion contrary to your own you arouse curiosity and folks will go to great lengths to obtain it and see what all the fuss is about. If you dislike that person’s slant on history get off your lazy ass, do some research and write your own refuting it. But you are obviously young and set in your cute but misguided ideas on life. It’s so much easier to blog and whine than to do anything useful. Don’t you think?
By the way… I am an amateur historian, I have guest lectured and given classes on the holocaust at several local schools and colleges. So I do have some background on the subject.
But enough on this, You will never see my side nor will I agree with yours.
As one famous founder of my country said, “Never try to teach a pig to sing, it wastes your time and annoys the pig.”
Where did I claim that I’m in favour of burning any books?
Keep your poor assumptions to yourself.
And I don’t care how many years you have lived in Europe, fact is you are not living in Austria right now therefore you can not know what the situation here is.
Do you really still think it’s a good idea to sell Nazi gear to certain Europeans? Just look at this thread! How many obvious Nazis have already gathered here? Wake up you oblivious man.
And guess what, my father is an Arab. And no, Arabs aren’t the only ones who are discriminated against. Do you even know how hard it is here for a black person to get employed? Even if they went to college?
Would you like me to tell you stories about how often I got beat up by Nazis because I caught their attention because of my name? How they spit at me when they realised that my parents were not Austrians?
Or how I didn’t get accepted at a Catholic school because my birth certificate says I have no religion?
I do not think that outlawing things is a solution in the long run. But guess what, non white people live a dangerous life here in this god damn country, and I’m not taking any chances. And no one here is trying to educate anyone on this subject. I’m only 19 years old, give me a break. When I’m older, should I still be in this country, I will try and change things, but until then I’m going to try to stay alive.
And you’re wrong, I can very well see your side. I know you’re not a Nazi, but one of my best friends is a fomer Neo-Nazi. He basically saved my life. I never judged him because of his past or his opinions.
I doubt you have any Jewish friends who hold different beliefs than you on this subject.
And that quote at the end is really bad. Try coming up with actual arguments instead.
but the fact is the holocaust isn’t the only genocide that gets discussed, it’s simply the one that gets talked about the most, but then again Jewish people are known for and proud of their penchant for complaining, i’m not trying to imply anything anti-semetic, simply hypothesizing on the reason for other human injustices being below most peoples radar.
furthermore the knowledge of human-kinds bloody history has done little to stem the flow of new atrocities, which leads me to believe mere awareness of the past is not enough, and maybe even unnecessary as far as communicating the importance of not murdering vast numbers of people, no matter what the rationalization.
there has got to be something more to what allows basically good people to knowingly commit heinous crimes, than a lack of awareness of history.
Wow I despise you people. Seriously, with all my heart. I’ve been discriminated against my entire life. I don’t care if people think that the holocaust happened or not. Just treat me like any other fucking human being even if I’m not white. I have never in my life complained to anyone because of the people who treated me like shit because of my background.
Only now do I recognise the importance of speaking up.
None of you has ever been in my shoes, and I bet none of you is part of any minority yet you think you know how a person like me feels.
Unless any intelligent person brings up any actual argument, I’m done here.
@... dieAntagonista
I hope you’re are not directing that comment in my direction.
if you’re as jewish as you say you ought to know what to Kvetch means, thats all I was saying. The art of complaining is built into the hebrew language giving Jewish (not JEWS) people an edge when it comes to making their point of view persist.
What I’ve been discussing with nyokki isn’t whether or not the holocaust happened, or even whether or not the history should be taught, but whether or not mere awareness is enough to prevent such evil from taking place again. I posit that mere awareness is insufficient because we can plainly see that this shit is still happening all over the world in one form or another despite vigorous education of the past.
AND that I also don’t believe I or my children owe anyone for the actions of long dead people I have no relation to, simply because of where I was born.
Sorry yeah it was your comment that made me snap.
I mentioned the holocaust just because others have mentioned it. And I meant that I don’t expect any pity because of it. I don’t want to be treated better just because my mother was Jewish. But I don’t want to be treated worse because of that either.
Did you know that Jews don’t have to pay taxes in Austria? It’s ridiculous.
I haven’t yet commented on this but I totally agree with you. It’s outrageous to me that a German/ Austrian should feel bad because of other German’s/ Austrian’s past. Or you as an American because of what certain Americans did a long time ago.
It’s also silly in that sense that a black person should feel proud because of Martin Luther King. You know what I mean? Same logic.
I know there are a bunch of Jews who abuse the sympathy they get because of the holocaust and whatnot. Or accuse people of being anti-semitic just because someone disagree with them. But I never did any such thing. All the things I have pointed out are cold hard facts that are current issues. I do not hold grudges against anyone because of the past.
@... dieAntagonista
Thank you, I apologize if my comment was insensitive, I myself am of Irish, German,Iroquois, Colombian, Dutch, French descent, a real American mutt and as such I have a hard time getting behind anyones cultural or ethnocentric bias.
I find Nationalism, and Patriotism to distract from Humanism and gives selfish people the excuse they need to look down on others. I guess I’m an idealist with regards to the solution concerning generational violence, it’s almost too simple, one should merely treat others with the deference and respect that they would desire for themselves, whatever their ethnic or national history might be.
It is basic logic that even children can understand. the problem as I see it is when people get greedy and then look for ways to benefit from the denigration of another human being, and they feel justified in their actions because they have convinced themselves that their victim is less than human and they often use (questionable) historical stereotypes as evidence to support their flawed case.
We can all agree that nobody has an answer to the problems of the world, But I don’t believe that punishing or rewarding future generations for what we do now, will help them to forgive our bloody past. And punishing or rewarding certain elements of society NOW for the tragic history of human civilization doesn’t make it any easier for us to all get along with each other.
@...Destro: @...dieAntagonista: I think we agree more than we disagree. I did not mean to suggest that mere awareness is sufficient, though I do think it is necessary. We can’t simply keep resetting the clock. If someone attempts what Hitler did and succeeds at the rate he did, then it’s not over in any one person’s lifetime. The effects linger for generations. WWII ended and what happened? Did we start from zero? No, we pursued and brought as many guilty parties to justice. This has taken several generations to accomplish and we still don’t have them all accounted for. History transcends people’s lives. One generation teaches the next and the next, ad infintum. Also I did not mean to suggest that I take personal responsibility for what took place in this country before either of my parents immigrated here. What I do mean is that what has happened to these groups of people needs to acknowledged and reparations made (inasmuch as this is possible) by our gov’t. In a sense, our gov’t is responsible for putting people in situations that kept them as something of a permanent underclass. I’m not speaking of giving them uber-rights of any kind, just doing something about the situation as it currently is and recognizing how it got so bad for so many. Not all poor, black, Indian, etc…are lazy good for nothings that won’t pull themselves up by their own bootstraps. The truth is most have no bootstraps, or even know what a bootstrap is (metaphorically speaking).