Nip Tuck ?

vieilles-stars.jpg (262 KB)

years of festivals and shootings have gradually because of their past beauty. Yet this is no fault to go at large beatings of cosmetic surgery.

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    Poor Clint. Though he’s still more awesome than any 20 year old with a six pack.


    “Yet this is no fault to go at large beatings of cosmetic surgery.” What, pray tell, could this mean?


    AKircher: Lol, that’s what happens when you use a strict translation program.

    Getting older is tough. It sux that your body just keeps drooping and nothing but plastic surgery will help. For most, working out simply won’t help, though it still has obvious advantages over not working out.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Any one of those guys could get laid faster and with hotter women than any guy visiting this site.


    Those guys in their 50s, 60s and 70s sure have let themselves go.


    “years of festivals and shootings have gradually because of their past beauty. Yet this is no fault to go at large beatings of cosmetic surgery.”

    please to be using engrish translator sparingly


    Not true, I’m sure that there are some people around here that could afford one for a couple hours at the least…


    flintlocke: ROFL… Indeed…


    People get old. Big deal.

    I think that submissions should be approved not only by content but also by the titles. Sometimes the titles bug the fuck out of me.


    outofocus: isoft doesn’t have the best command of the English language. We’re guessing German.


    nyokki: I don’t think that counts in this situation since the intent of the title is pretty clear.


    outofocus: I know, I just got a kick out of his/her other titles.

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