If you need a secure location to ensure your survival in the coming apocalypse, or simply crave a spacious underground lair, then consider Central London’s deep level shelters. Built in 1940 as air-raid shelters, the underground tunnels have since served as a war room, library, and telephone exchange for British secret intelligence. And now you can own a shelter of your very own.
The Kingsway Tunnels, located 200 feet below street level and owned by British telecom provider BT, went up for sale yesterday. In the last few decades, the tunnels’ primary use has been for communications, having served as the telephone exchange for the hotline between the US and Soviet presidents. But the original purpose of the shelter was to withstand a foreign attack, and, at the end of the world, the accommodations should prove cozy for you and 8,000 of your closest friends.
Right underneath a major metropolitan area? No good for the coming zombie apocalypse.
The mole people must be having it hard, to be renting out rooms…
Have been wanting… I want an old Titan 5 missile silo tho… the silo would make a great indoor farm for the lock down when the impending fast zombie herds move through.
@...Elepski: Lol, that’s exactly what my son just said.
Sweet! 8,000 people orgy at the end of the world.
I dated a guy briefly a few years back that owned a missle silo up in the state of Washington. He was in the process of fixing it up, had a recording studio in it and what not.
I would not mind owning something like that.
Reserve your place at a Vault-Tec Vault today!
@...Flickerdart: LOL
well, it depends what sort of politics will take over in the post-holocaust
if its democracy, i’d prefer to get turned to dust by a nuke