Of course, grabbing by the scruff of the neck is generally the only way I can sedate my cat long enough to brush his stomach. He’s quite the fuzzy little monster, and he hates me for the next 20 seconds until he blinks.
My kitty is so small, you can pick her up by the scruff of the neck. Some of my cats would let me pet their bellies…others…ah…no (and I’ve got the scars to prove it).
One of my twins LOVES it when hes pet the wrong way, butt to head. I have no idea why. Hes real shaggy though, hair doesn’t really lay flat, tends to stand up.
One of my cats is happy as long as you’re touching him. I can stick my fingers in his ears, massage his paws, pet his belly, etc, and he’s happy. My other cat barely tolerates being pet at all. He rarely purrs when being pet but almost always purrs when he’s biting me.
Why does it say you shouldn’t pet a cat on the tummy? I have never met a cat that didn’t like that (some get tired after a while but most enjoy it!) I once knew a cat that rolled over as soon as he saw me because he knew I would take the time to pet him, I never could walk passed him! Big hairy cuddly cat.. who can say no to that? @...outofocus: sounds like a nice cat xD
You know when you stroke a c(BLEEP), you’ve got to stroke it this way, right? But sometimes you got to stroke the c(BLEEP)backwards so you can really wake him up.
Jimmy Kimmel’s ‘Best Of Unnecessary Censorship’ FTW
@...flyingcat88: My one cat will tear into you if you touch his stomach. That seems to be hit or miss with cats. I’ve had a few that love the tummy rubs and others who despise it.
I love how you’re not supposed to pet the cat when its eyes are wide. That made me laugh. ‘Cause it’s so true. When my cats’ eyes are wide and in ‘hunting’ or ‘luring’ mode, I know not to pet them.
On another note, my mom’s cat, Zig, loves to be pet roughly. I’ll rough him up, then run away. Then he chases me. If he catches me, I rough him up again. Kitty tag!
You’re not supposed to pick a cat up by the scruff even if you’re supporting it’s feet if it’s a full-grown cat.
Haha this is cute. Though I always pet my cat even she is cleaning herself. And she likes it.
@...Sticky: It’s true.
Of course, grabbing by the scruff of the neck is generally the only way I can sedate my cat long enough to brush his stomach. He’s quite the fuzzy little monster, and he hates me for the next 20 seconds until he blinks.
My kitty is so small, you can pick her up by the scruff of the neck. Some of my cats would let me pet their bellies…others…ah…no (and I’ve got the scars to prove it).
One of my twins LOVES it when hes pet the wrong way, butt to head. I have no idea why. Hes real shaggy though, hair doesn’t really lay flat, tends to stand up.
One of my cats is happy as long as you’re touching him. I can stick my fingers in his ears, massage his paws, pet his belly, etc, and he’s happy. My other cat barely tolerates being pet at all. He rarely purrs when being pet but almost always purrs when he’s biting me.
Why does it say you shouldn’t pet a cat on the tummy? I have never met a cat that didn’t like that (some get tired after a while but most enjoy it!) I once knew a cat that rolled over as soon as he saw me because he knew I would take the time to pet him, I never could walk passed him! Big hairy cuddly cat.. who can say no to that? @...outofocus: sounds like a nice cat xD
I’m going to kill my roommates cat
In before someone makes a crack about petting pussies… >.>
And odd things some cats will tolerate…Or even -enjoy-… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SF7G9UjVi0
@...Tyger42: That….was disturbing. Cute, but disturbing.
@...Tyger42: LMFAO. I can’t remember the last time I laughed so hard.
You know when you stroke a c(BLEEP), you’ve got to stroke it this way, right? But sometimes you got to stroke the c(BLEEP)backwards so you can really wake him up.
Jimmy Kimmel’s ‘Best Of Unnecessary Censorship’ FTW
@...suicydking: I love those, always make me laugh.
My old cat loved to be vacuumed with the stair brush. Weird, but adorable. Followed around anyone who was vacuuming until he got what he wanted.
You got to pet them hard, so they can feel it! Comic name unknown, sorry.
@...flyingcat88: My one cat will tear into you if you touch his stomach. That seems to be hit or miss with cats. I’ve had a few that love the tummy rubs and others who despise it.
@...Sarcastastic: My white cat has broken my Roomba twice.
I love how you’re not supposed to pet the cat when its eyes are wide. That made me laugh. ‘Cause it’s so true. When my cats’ eyes are wide and in ‘hunting’ or ‘luring’ mode, I know not to pet them.
On another note, my mom’s cat, Zig, loves to be pet roughly. I’ll rough him up, then run away. Then he chases me. If he catches me, I rough him up again. Kitty tag!