Fucking glorified reptile. You’ll never be one of us.
Twee (#5301)
16 years ago
I didn’t realize monotremes are mammals either. Here’s the otherwise awesome song that gave me that mistaken impression: www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgNhMlKv4aA
I googled platypus a minute ago, and this image was the first result; although not hosted here.
Proof that god gets stoned. “Okay, we take a beaver…and give it a ducks bill! *Snicker* Oh, and here’s the best part: It’s a mammal…BUT IT LAYS EGGS! Hey, Darwin! FUCK YOU!!!!!”
One of the best animals ever, and proof that the reigning deity has a sense of humour.
me and my friend saw a platypus
Give that thing a brain of a dolphin and STD’s and it could rule the world.
These things sweat milk. They don’t have nipples.
@...Jesus Christ:
Jesus Christ this mammal is weird! Why did your daddy make it!???
It’s cute, but venomous. The only venomous mammal in the world!
@...Theo11: Incorrect! en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_venomous_mammals
I lol’d.
Also, technically not a mammal, it’s a Monotreme. (It lays eggs)
@...DaCheetah: Monotreme is a family of mammal.
@javboy: Me and my friend made a comic book.
Only the males are poisonous… so a female Platypus would make a most awesome pet… except that i think it’s illegal to own… sigh.
I never knew shrews were so shrewd.
Also, monotremes are capable of electroreception another similarity to birds. How interesting.
Also didn’t Echidnas were monotremes. Knuckles should have been a Yoshi-like character. HA!
@...RSIxidor: Haha, the lame yet awesome wit. This has been a learning experience for all!
Fucking glorified reptile. You’ll never be one of us.
I didn’t realize monotremes are mammals either. Here’s the otherwise awesome song that gave me that mistaken impression: www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgNhMlKv4aA
I googled platypus a minute ago, and this image was the first result; although not hosted here.
@...RSIxidor: Hell if I know! >:c He never does anything right. Hell, he made humans.
What is a Platy? I know what the other is.
@...javboy: Me and my friends made a comic book. Guess how long it took.
@...nyokki: I can do anything that I want cuz, look: I can keep rhythm with no metronome
@...dieAntagonista: and I can see your face on the telephone…
Proof that god gets stoned. “Okay, we take a beaver…and give it a ducks bill! *Snicker* Oh, and here’s the best part: It’s a mammal…BUT IT LAYS EGGS! Hey, Darwin! FUCK YOU!!!!!”
It’s PERRY!! Perry the Platypus.