and I’d Om nom nom nom her while she’s eating MY hot dog 😀
16 years ago
I wanna see! Is it true? I didn’t know about that. I tried googling, but I find only one tiny picture of her at a wedding. Is there more?
We would have all kinds of sex, and then afterwards we would indulge in some cunning banter.
u read my mind
If she’s anything like the character Liz Lemon she won’t want sex often but will enjoy food the way you seem to think she’ll enjoy sex.
I love her so much, I’m not sure if I want to be her or do her.
she’s great.
and i’d OM NOM NOM NOM her while she’s eating a hot dog.
Should I post the before and after pics?
She used to look WAAAAAY different. Not saying that it’s a bad thing, just amazed at what a little effort can do.
and I’d Om nom nom nom her while she’s eating MY hot dog 😀
I wanna see! Is it true? I didn’t know about that. I tried googling, but I find only one tiny picture of her at a wedding. Is there more?
Yep.. hot
@...dieAntagonista: lern to utewb.
@...Kaze: All of the pictures of her in that video are hot and not that old. No vintage stuff.
She’d be hotter is she kept her stupid political leanings to herself.
Faux-nerd is hot. Real-nerd is irritating.
You are quite the cunning linguist. However I prefer to engage in witty banter first, and mambo after…
But it’s all good.