I would give my left nut, and my first born sun for this thing. And some kind of jet pack
i was going to say repost, but i’ve never seen the bottom pic, so FUCK YEAH ROCKET PROPELLED CHAINSAW!!!
also, needs a clip…. er, magazine?
40 horsepower chainsaw?! ahr ahr oooo do want. don’t need the rocket!
better do some careful aiming or youll hit the kickback zone and someone might get hurt
Someone made this in GarrysMod (A Source mod) it works great.
do want! should def be in the next Doom game
The sight wouldnt work very well on the top like that.
Built for home protection?
Anti-Treant device. For all your deforestation needs.
@...Alpha Harrison: indeeed… an awesome weapon isn’t it… I could build one for you, but I don’t think your bodily organs would be sufficient to cover the price… 😀
would you mind if i sell off other people’s bodily organs to meet your selling price to buy one of those from you?
@...GermanKommissar: Ah… No, sorry, I have this thing against black market organ trade…
I would give my left nut, and my first born sun for this thing. And some kind of jet pack
i was going to say repost, but i’ve never seen the bottom pic, so FUCK YEAH ROCKET PROPELLED CHAINSAW!!!
also, needs a clip…. er, magazine?
40 horsepower chainsaw?! ahr ahr oooo do want. don’t need the rocket!
better do some careful aiming or youll hit the kickback zone and someone might get hurt
Someone made this in GarrysMod (A Source mod)
it works great.
do want! should def be in the next Doom game
The sight wouldnt work very well on the top like that.
Built for home protection?
Anti-Treant device. For all your deforestation needs.
@...Alpha Harrison: indeeed… an awesome weapon isn’t it… I could build one for you, but I don’t think your bodily organs would be sufficient to cover the price… 😀
would you mind if i sell off other people’s bodily organs to meet your selling price to buy one of those from you?
@...GermanKommissar: Ah… No, sorry, I have this thing against black market organ trade…