Hello there just stumbled upon your website from Yahoo after I entered in, “Earth Abides | My[confined]Space” or something similar
(can’t quite remember exactly). Anyhow, I’m delighted I
found it because your subject material is exactly what I’m looking for (writing a college paper) and I hope you don’t mind if I gather some
information from here and I will of course credit you as the source.
Many thanks.
The Dude Abides…
Was this direct to video?
its a book. those weird things made of trees and ink.
the dude abides.
Take it easy, earth, I know that you will.
Hello there just stumbled upon your website from Yahoo after I entered in, “Earth Abides | My[confined]Space” or something similar
(can’t quite remember exactly). Anyhow, I’m delighted I
found it because your subject material is exactly what I’m looking for (writing a college paper) and I hope you don’t mind if I gather some
information from here and I will of course credit you as the source.
Many thanks.
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