The one buck was alive and locked to the dead ½ eaten buck. They hunters called the warden and he allowed them to keep the other head and they will be getting it mounted together. The buck that was alive had a few long nights as his buddy was eaten. He is missing an eye from the antler of the other buck.
Wait, so they took a starving downed animal that was even missing an eye as he laid there stuck to his dead rival, whose entrails were being eaten traumatizing the poor guy, to the “hunter’s” table?
What the fuck is wrong with rednecks, seriously?! And yes, I stereotype all rifle-wielding “hunters” as dumbshit rednecks because I want them at least to have a fair fight with the animals before declaring themselves as winners.
I call a for deer vs human match-up, the human maybe use any objects laying around as he would in the wilderness. That will satisfy me and my unimportant opinion.
Not that simple, dreth.
The wounded one was probably put down, by the sounds of the story. If the warden was called, it means they were doing the right thing.
(I had a look around at bucks getting locked together, because the photos caught my eye, pretty amazing and gruesome). The antlers poke through the skulls and kill, or their necks break, or they both starve/ get preyed on.
Hrm… I’m actually rather glad they shot the other buck. Better than going on for a couple more weeks/months and getting slowly weaker till a wolf, coyote, or cougar takes it down.
where does it say they killed the one eyed one? I thought it read as though they mounted his dead friend’s head and let the one eyed one go?
Most hunters are actually quite wealthy and anymore…asian.
“…they will be getting it mounted together.”
like so.
That’s incredibly depressing.
Not all hunters are rednecks.
I personally don’t hunt anymore, but I come from a long line of wealthy hunters. There’s a lot more skill and dedication involved than you would normally imagine. Not to mention patience. Oh so much patience. Same reason I stopped playing golf.
Anyway, crazy. I can’t believe the wolves (or whatever) didn’t eat the other buck. Though I am curious if it was during the rut, which is illegal.
Wolves have no respect for the law. They are jerks.
@...Brevity Truta, @...Majestic12, @...mAgnUS BUTTfoorson, @...Brevity Truta, @...Paul_Is_Drunk:
Haha Dreth, it’s not a very appetizing (one-) idea, to eat the survivor, is it?
Hope you die
Your an idiot, fyi. I’m a gun wielding redneck who hunts every year. I successfully harvested a buck this season, and, like a dumbshit redneck, donated the meat to a family that couldn’t afford a package of ground beef.
The animals are there to be harvested. Though, I think shooting bobcats and other cool shit like that is retarded, the deer/elk/caribou/anything with antlers besides a jackalope is fair game.
Oh, but I am down for seeing you go one on one with one of these. I’d pay good money to see that.
^dumb redneck
So much for my unimportant opinion (it’s not even that important to me).
I’d like to point this out though, because I’m in a Brian Peppers mood.
“Your an idiot” <— You win!
@...RP: I have no problem w/ hunting, but that man’s attitude just pissed me off.
this is strange, i never thought i would see these pictures here. It was actually my cousin that found these on my family’s land. Im actually in the last pic, the tan snowpants.
They were both dead when he he found them. and whatever had been eating the one had partially buried it as well.
@...uberubermensch: where were these pictures taken?
The pictures were taken in Jackson County Wisconsin, about 5 miles NW of Black River Falls.
The double mount is now in my aunt and uncles cabin a couple hundred yards from where they were found.