Klasic the Tattoo Artist

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If you have been wondering what the easiest way to catch the HIV or acquire Hepatits C, just let this lowlife tattoo you. I found these pics on this redneck fuckers Myspace page, apparently he is a rapper as well.


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    tiki god

    the artist is using gloves, which is good. But the artist is putting a tattoo on a hand which isn’t good, cause it’s going to look like shit in about 5 years and will either need to be completely redone or removed.

    tl:dr – fucking rednecks

    Brevity Truta

    Im fucking Awesome! Are you kidding me? I can get Drunk, Give you a Tattoo and D.J. Your party all in the same night …… Come on now that’s fan fuckin’tastic. ALSO just because it say’s im online i may not be i stay signed in from iphone. SO DON’T GET PISSY =P P.S. Ladies i really appreciate all the love, but i have an awesome girlfriend that has me happy as a 7th grade crush. It’s hard for me to smile some how she pulls it off! KEEP SUPPORTING LOCAL MUSIC! Thanks so much guys for your support, 1st Klas music will be open To D.J. all your partys by the end of 2009! God bless!


    Gloves were never meant to protect the patient, or customer. Gloves are typically not sterile and are meant to protect the operator from any contaminants the person he is working on may have.


    I should clarify that.

    Gloves can’t be considered sterile after somebody puts one on in an environment like this.


    Well that’s unfortunate.
    But it doesn’t bother me, when people do things like that, how is that gonna affect me.
    Only the lady in the background makes me a little angry. Since when is telling people through hand gestures that they’re assholes, cool.


    You have Aids! (Yes you have Aids) I hate to tell you boy that you have Aids. (You got the aids) You may have caught when you stuck that filthy needle in here………..


    Hm ok he’s got a cute kid. He knows how to spell and he’s an Obama supporter. Honestly? This guy seems like an honest man. I don’t understand why you would call him a redneck or a lowlife.
    It may not be ideal to tattoo someone like that, but that doesn’t mean he’s a bad man.



    Re: Girl: That’s exactly how I felt, but I thought she was smoking a cigarette and I was going to be like, “wow, you’re so cool because you posed having a cigarette because you’re cool.”

    Brevity Truta

    He’s enthusiastic, gotta give him that.

    Probably more rich businessmen get AIDS from hookers in third-world countries than poor folk do from tattoos.


    Doesn’t look too sterile, but you can’t see his system from these pictures. Maybe he’s got an autoclave on the back of his pickup?


    Well… there it is… the lower 1%

    Howie Feltersnatch

    Tattoo ARTIST kind of implies that the guy can, you know, do art. Alas, the demented scribbling he’s executed on the befuddled looking honkey is far from artistic.


    I am kind of offended by the redneck comment. I mean, come on people. Newports, Natty Ice, and he’s a rapper. Clearly, “wigger” would be the more fitting slur.


    as a professional tattoo artist i hate seeing this shit. assholes like that guy give us all a bad name.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    “…and he’s an Obama supporter”


    Even after mini wheat gets voted in the freedom fighting freedom fighters who fight freedom still want to be championing him as the underdog.


    Gloves can be sterile btw. You just need them sterilized which is how they come. But once they touch something they’re garbage. They’re for keeping the doctors hands clean but also for keeping the patient’s internal organs from getting infected if contact is made with something exterior…like dust. That’s why you always see doctors standing there with their hands up at their sides and the nurse puts the gloves on. Then they take the scalpel out of the microwave (called flashing it. It makes it sterile).

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Oh also I should point out FMS probably isn’t used to OR’s here and in Iraq I doubt gloves can ever be sterile.


    mAgnUS BUTTfoorson: I didn’t mean that just because he’s an Obama supporter he’s automatically ok. But how can he be a redneck and at the same time for Obama.
    He may be wigger, but it could be worse right.


    mAgnUS BUTTfoorson:

    Well, yeah, that’s basically what I meant. I was just trying to point that a lot of people are under the perception of gloves being used to protect the patient/customer, when it’s the other way around.

    dA…no…I’m not really sure how worse this picture could look any more idiotic or make the people in it look like any more of a pile of white/wigga trash than it already does. Getting a tattoo using the same board you might cut onions on is pretty classy in itself, but the fact that you and your buddy are topless for no apparent reason? Awesome.


    These are ballistically shit compared to the tatt pics I submitted months ago which have yet to appear


    If you cry hard enough, your pictures will magically appear.

    Also, did you check all the requirements for submissions?


    One hand grenade would raise the collective IQ of that “artist’s” county by at least 50 points.

    purple banana

    For clarification on the sterile gloves issue, I can assure you those boxed vinyl gloves are NOT sterile…

    Sterile gloves come prepackaged in individual sets of a plastic bag, and an impervious paper-like wrapping for each set. For proper use of sterile gloves, you don’t just put them on and assume it’s a sterile procedure. To assure sterile procedure, you scrub the area of the skin with an alcohol-based solution, chlorahex solution, or betadine.

    And I have the feeling this guy doesn’t use any of them.

    HIV and Hep aren’t the only illnesses which can be received during a faulty tattoo application- infection of the skin from staph or the countless other bacteria/viruses out there can get into your skin. I’m all for tats, but don’t be a dumbass like this guy, and get them done in a professional sterile tat shop, not some idiot’s kitchen.


    they probabally like icp


    Gotta love “dont give a fuck” females…greatest fucks ever.


    “…apparently he is a rapper as well.” Of course he is.


    Yogistyle: These imaged, especially pic number 3, are a personal PSA to me.

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