I am a natural righty, however a few years back, I suffered an injury to my right hand at work. I lost my ring finger on my right hand and had to learn to fly solo left handed. I am nowhere near as coordinated lefty as I am righty so now I get to choose between a cripple and a retard.
porn is so much better when you’re not jacking your mouse off.
Internet Porn: Boosting the sale of Left Handed Mouses since 1991.
Uh..there’s steam coming out of it and steam bubbles forming around the mouse. That’s clearly a boiling coil shaped like a mouse.
@...Flickerdart: or it’s adobe… we’ll never know…
I’m left handed but use the mouse right-handed. So I win.
@ohmybob: Yes, yes you do. I only hope that from time to time it’s EPIC WIN!
I’m always surprised that everyone isn’t ambidextrous when it comes to masturbation.
@...tiki god: I would imagine that most girls are. It comes in handy.
you’d be surprised how many times I come in hand-y.
@tiki god:
I am a natural righty, however a few years back, I suffered an injury to my right hand at work. I lost my ring finger on my right hand and had to learn to fly solo left handed. I am nowhere near as coordinated lefty as I am righty so now I get to choose between a cripple and a retard.
i thought it was only supposed to burn when i pee
I got to be a lefty/righty when I realized that I had two hands and why be greedy with just one.
also it felt weird/different with a different hand, and that’s what a good orgasm is all about.