No Gods, No Master, Against All Authority – Anarchism

No Gods, No Master, Against All Authority - Anarchism

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    Luke Magnifico

    That’s not what anarchy is.

    I don’t know, somehow, anarchy has been blown up to be this big marvelous fantastic thing.


    Doesn’t a symbol imply organization of some kind?


    And honestly, isn’t Anochrony better anyway?

    I am Nate

    I find it hilarious that Anarchists have a flag.


    Anarchists have a flag? Isn’t that an oxymoron or something?


    yeaaaa… that’s not what anarchism is /facepalm

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    Anarchism is anti-organization, its anti-authority. Whether you can have organization without authority is left as an exercise for the reader.


    anarchy is not anti-organization. It’s literal meaning is “No King”. Anarchy is voluntary cooperation, it isn’t looting and graffiti. As long as there is wealth to protect from the impoverished, there will be no anarchy.


    thought this best place to post ?

    US Soldiers?


    seriously fucked up how you as a service of the army have to walk your childeren to school with your automatic weapon heated to protect your kids … fucked up shit

    scroll down in the link i posted and you see what i mean


    pay attension what chearn73 says


    What the fuck is this shit ?

    Come on, everybody! Let’s get some Anarchos/Punks, and some trucks, and have us a good old-fashioned Anarcho/Punk drag!


    That isn’t Anarchy.

    “Whoever lays his hand on me to govern me is a usurper and tyrant, and I declare him my enemy.” Proudhon, 1849

    Anarchy says nothing about no masters, just that they cannot self-appoint themselves, governence must come from those chosen freely to govern the willing.


    “which ever girl lays her hand on my leg i declare her my FF” MonkeyHitman, 2008


    : nah, anachrony is so last year. 😉


    All civilization end with Anarchy.


    Looked better on a banner in Rapture.


    Anti-Organization Organization.



    MAn you guys know nothing about annarchy. Here is some poorly xeroxed propaganda to explain it better.


    Why would a symbol imply organization? A symbol represents a concept/idea. For an individual to put a symbol on fabric and attach it to a stick implies nothing about organization anymore than tagging that symbol on a wall does. The purpose is likely to spread visibility of the symbol to as many eyes as possible in the hopes of spreading the idea or concept the symbol represents, so people at the very least think about it.

    Our kings do nothing for me but take my ducats and fine me for not wearing clothes and threaten me for growing and enjoying certain plants. I can protect myself and provide for myself, so fuck the suited kings under whatever title they claim and fuck the illusion of democracy they pretend. I am an anarchist.


    sylvanish: okay so what’s next then


    MonkeyHitman: The Venus Project


    “Anarchy means ‘without leaders’; not ‘without order.'” -V

    Anarchy isn’t inherently anti-organization. It’s anti-coerced organization. It is pro-voluntary organization.


    Just because there’s a symbol does not mean it’s an organization. And anarchy is not necessarily anti-organization, mostly anti-institution. You can organize a rally, but once attendance becomes mandatory, it’s an institution. Anyway, it’s mostly symantics anymore as there is no hope for anarchy.

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