Ferret Close Up

Ferret Close Up

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    Jesus Christ

    You may see a cute face while other people see just piled-upon vet and medicine bills. Ferrets are always sick because of bad breeding.


    I’d like some of the beaver to the right.


    Jesus Christ: Seriously? Bummer. I always wanted one, I thought they’re the ultimate pet. And I never heard any ferret owner complain either.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    Jesus Christ: I’ve had a ferret for 5 years and the only time I’ve had to take her to the vet was for her regular vaccination shots.

    Jesus Christ

    dieAntagonista: I’ve had three die. Two from IBS (one from pain/stress, 7 years old, and the other from dehydration, 5 years old) and the other from the trauma after a surgery. She went in to get her Lymphoma treated and the trauma from her surgery caused one of her ulcers to open up. She bled to death and was probably 5 or 6 years old. I have two more that are about to die sometime probably within the next year. One from IBS, who is 4 years old, and the other from Adrenal, who is probably 8 or 9 (holy shit). What pisses me off is that we’ve done everything we’ve can for them and it feels like nothing works.

    Jesus Christ

    reboot: What ‘factory’ is she from? What colors?

    Luke Magnifico

    Jesus Christ: Dude, maybe you just fucking suck at ferrets.


    Jesus Christ: Mine’s four years old and hadn’t had anything wrong with him yet.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    Jesus Christ: I adopted my ferret from a shelter, so I honestly don’t know where she’s from. She’s a silver ferret.

    Average ferret life expectancy is between 5 to 8 years, so while I’m sorry to hear that about your pets dieing, those are typical lifespans.

    Catherine Longfellow

    I want one but know I wouldn’t be able to keep it alive with my work and school schedules. Hell, I forget to spritz my snail with water every day, and that’s simple!


    “Who gives a shit about the fucking marmot!” –The Dude


    kiltedforbes: Fun fact, that was actually a ferret in The Big Lebowski.


    Aww this reminds me of my little girl Luci, gah she was a sweetie. Yep both of mine died at about 5. Man they go downhill so fast it’s hard to watch. she was exceptionally dark black, and then got adrenal disease and lost her hair, was pretty horrible, but that’s just ferrets.

    I miss you two: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v24/Abide/ferrets/sleepingferrets4.JPG


    Abide: Sorry to hear about that. But aah freaking cute.
    I guess I’ll have to rethink my plan to get ferrets.


    of getting ferrets.* sorry, I should be sleeping.

    Jesus Christ

    LukeV1-5: Possible but not likely. All of my ferrets came from someone else except our two Sables.

    Jesus Christ

    reboot: Yeah, I know about their average lifespans. But it still sucks. Does Thunder have two black dots in her left-ear?

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    Jesus Christ: Yes, she does. I was told those meant that she was spayed and descented. Either that or they’re prison tats.


    I want to get a ferret, but I decided to wait until we really have time. They’re not the kind of pet you can leave on their own. Well, that’s what the Humane Society told me.


    I had a ferret for a couple days. (We had to give him away because of the cats.) That thing was precious! He hopped all over the house like a slinkie on steroids! I’d totally get another one if I thought my cats/dog would be nice to it.

    Jesus Christ

    reboot: Yes, but I was told each company has their own certain tats to signify where they come from. This would mean she’s a Marshal Farms ferret.

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