Well it depends really. Obviously there are sects of Christianity such as Catholic, Baptist, Mormon and when you ask them what religion they are they tend to say ” well i am baptist,Lutheran etc.” A large amount of people who claim to be christian tend to be non-denominational and just simply refer to themselves as Christians because they worship Jesus Christ, amongst christians it is becoming a blanket term for all the non denominational churches. Now amongst atheists/agnostics and other religions Christians are anybody who pray to Jesus.
Personally i think they are all assholes because there are far and few between churches who encourage free thought on the relgion . I.E. ” the great flood was localized” “evolution is just one of gods tools” Etc. So i don’t like to identify myself as being a christian since typically it conjures up images of assholes who i can’t relate to. But at the same time i am christian because i worship Christ. I know it seems really confusing since almost every sect seems to have their own definition of christian.
@...nyokki: Not a very good source for theological info my dear. The inverted cross is St Peter’s cross. He chose to be crucified upside down for some reason I can’t entirely recall why (and who knows for sure anyway). It is a Catholic symbol originally, and only became “Satanic” the same way all of their symbols do, through the semi-ignorant mocking of other cult’s symbols.
Mind you, I get a bit annoyed by people who don’t know the difference between actual Satanism (Do Whatever the Hell You Feel Like Doing) and Devil-Worship (which is technically a sect of Christianity that believes everything in the bible and simply worships Lucifer instead of Jesus)
One last thing I will say: Christians who belong to a specific church are the ones who are taught to “worship” Jesus. A primitive self-deprecating practice demanded by tyrants insecure in their power. True Christians on the other hand, simply follow Jesus’ teachings (Do unto others as you would have done unto you. The End) without the cultish “worship” and dogma and ritual nonsense that the churches maintain. Most of those churches are inherently hypocritically sinning by demanding that their followers worship symbols/idols.
Also, just in case anyone didn’t know; the word ‘Catholic’ means generalized. As in, it is a religion formed by the generalization of the various popular myths and cults of Rome at the time of it’s formation (300 AD or thereabouts). Being a combination of mostly the Cult of Apollo, Christianity, and various Egyptian & Celtic myths. Every one of their symbols and rituals was once a part of a different religion. All blended together by politicians seeking to unify church and state and control the people through fear of hell and god’s wrath. Is very sad. I pity them.
lol at the Xians calling Catholics a ‘cult’ yet so unaware that Christianity itself is just a Jesus-worshipping cult which ALSO stole 99% of it’s celebrations and mythos from other cultures. And what’s the official stance of most Christian officials when you confront them with Gilgamesh or Pagan holidays based on the moon and weather patterns?
They just say the devil rewrote history to “undermine” the Bible.
Sure, and he also invented carbon dating and evolutionary theory…
@...sylvanish: Apparently I’ve got to figure out how to show sarcasm when I post. @...MonkeyHitman: Yes, I realize satanic is a word that Milton used to describe the actions of Satan, whom Milton does not equate w/ the Devil.
They say the Bible is the best argument against itself, and likewise, christians are the best argument against becoming christian. That’s why they get’em young.
@...MonkeyHitman: I’m not sure how to respond to that… Soy una chica blanca… but if you intend to hit me I’ll fight back.
@...nyokki: Sorry, it was hell of more obvious when I re-read it. I sometimes catch myself using mental air-quotes when I type things and remembering afterward that no one else can see those. heee
Religion is something that if you have it in your life, for fucks sake keep it to yourself.
No one cares.
Not even slightly.
If we wanted it, we’d ask.
I’m sure that I’m going to get slammed for this… BWTF
Praying is spiritual masturbation.
Just about everybody does it in some way, shape, or form.
Some people deny that they do it.
Done right it makes you feel good.
If it feels good, you can do it as often as you want.
It’s best done in private.
If you do it in public, someone may be offended.
If you talk about doing it in public, someone may be offended.
If you do it with a partner, it will bring you closer together.
It comes with it’s own book that shows you how to do it right.
Different books have different ways to do it.
Some people will thank God after they are done.
The socially awkward rely on it far too much. The rest of us just do it when we need it.
If you do it too much, you might go blind!
The first step is to admit you have a problem…
“Instead of getting high on LSD or PCP i choose to go with G-O-D.”
God fucking damn i hate christians…
It’s alright until you overdose.
@TheLotusEater725: I couldn’t agree more.
Seriously they give all the good and rational practitioners of the faith a bad name. Plus they look like total assholes when they pull this shit.
@...thelotuseater725: You’re apparently making a distinction between types of Christians that I’m not aware of. So, when you say
I’m not sure what you mean. I don’t understand why Catholics are differentiated from Christians.
Cause I totally wanna shove a 3 pronged giant needle into me.
Advertising. Doing it wrong.
That’s because Catholics aren’t Christian, they’re a cult.
@...Hazard: I can stand needles, but that three pronged, 90 degree thing gives me the willies.
Well it depends really. Obviously there are sects of Christianity such as Catholic, Baptist, Mormon and when you ask them what religion they are they tend to say ” well i am baptist,Lutheran etc.” A large amount of people who claim to be christian tend to be non-denominational and just simply refer to themselves as Christians because they worship Jesus Christ, amongst christians it is becoming a blanket term for all the non denominational churches. Now amongst atheists/agnostics and other religions Christians are anybody who pray to Jesus.
Personally i think they are all assholes because there are far and few between churches who encourage free thought on the relgion . I.E. ” the great flood was localized” “evolution is just one of gods tools” Etc. So i don’t like to identify myself as being a christian since typically it conjures up images of assholes who i can’t relate to. But at the same time i am christian because i worship Christ. I know it seems really confusing since almost every sect seems to have their own definition of christian.
I can’t even understand whether this is recommending god bothering or is trying to portray religiosity as the delusion, headfucking nonsense it is.
Much googling later
It’s an illustration piece for this blog:
From this source:
Fucking nutters
Uh, even I know what an upside down cross represents. I have seen a movie or two.
Oh, that’s from one of the comments on Mack’s 2nd link.
I could go on and on about this…
But all I will say is “Blah… whatever”
@...nyokki: Not a very good source for theological info my dear. The inverted cross is St Peter’s cross. He chose to be crucified upside down for some reason I can’t entirely recall why (and who knows for sure anyway). It is a Catholic symbol originally, and only became “Satanic” the same way all of their symbols do, through the semi-ignorant mocking of other cult’s symbols.
Mind you, I get a bit annoyed by people who don’t know the difference between actual Satanism (Do Whatever the Hell You Feel Like Doing) and Devil-Worship (which is technically a sect of Christianity that believes everything in the bible and simply worships Lucifer instead of Jesus)
One last thing I will say: Christians who belong to a specific church are the ones who are taught to “worship” Jesus. A primitive self-deprecating practice demanded by tyrants insecure in their power. True Christians on the other hand, simply follow Jesus’ teachings (Do unto others as you would have done unto you. The End) without the cultish “worship” and dogma and ritual nonsense that the churches maintain. Most of those churches are inherently hypocritically sinning by demanding that their followers worship symbols/idols.
Also, just in case anyone didn’t know; the word ‘Catholic’ means generalized. As in, it is a religion formed by the generalization of the various popular myths and cults of Rome at the time of it’s formation (300 AD or thereabouts). Being a combination of mostly the Cult of Apollo, Christianity, and various Egyptian & Celtic myths. Every one of their symbols and rituals was once a part of a different religion. All blended together by politicians seeking to unify church and state and control the people through fear of hell and god’s wrath. Is very sad. I pity them.
I want to get down on my knees and please you Jesus, I want to feel your salvation all over my face.
But the second coming’s far less momentous than the first, in that case :p
@...sylvanish: if you were a chick i would hit you … for saying such sense
@...nyokki: btw the word satanic does not refer to the devil
GUYS GET IT WHILE ITS DELETED !!!!!!!!!!! look what i said ^^
god i love the internet ahahah
lol at the Xians calling Catholics a ‘cult’ yet so unaware that Christianity itself is just a Jesus-worshipping cult which ALSO stole 99% of it’s celebrations and mythos from other cultures. And what’s the official stance of most Christian officials when you confront them with Gilgamesh or Pagan holidays based on the moon and weather patterns?
They just say the devil rewrote history to “undermine” the Bible.
Sure, and he also invented carbon dating and evolutionary theory…
“good and rational practitioners of the faith”
Hehe, there’s no such thing, that’s an oxymoron.
@...sylvanish: Apparently I’ve got to figure out how to show sarcasm when I post.
@...MonkeyHitman: Yes, I realize satanic is a word that Milton used to describe the actions of Satan, whom Milton does not equate w/ the Devil.
They say the Bible is the best argument against itself, and likewise, christians are the best argument against becoming christian. That’s why they get’em young.
@...MonkeyHitman: I’m not sure how to respond to that… Soy una chica blanca… but if you intend to hit me I’ll fight back.
@...nyokki: Sorry, it was hell of more obvious when I re-read it. I sometimes catch myself using mental air-quotes when I type things and remembering afterward that no one else can see those. heee
Religion is something that if you have it in your life, for fucks sake keep it to yourself.
No one cares.
Not even slightly.
If we wanted it, we’d ask.
I’m sure that I’m going to get slammed for this… BWTF
Praying is spiritual masturbation.
Just about everybody does it in some way, shape, or form.
Some people deny that they do it.
Done right it makes you feel good.
If it feels good, you can do it as often as you want.
It’s best done in private.
If you do it in public, someone may be offended.
If you talk about doing it in public, someone may be offended.
If you do it with a partner, it will bring you closer together.
It comes with it’s own book that shows you how to do it right.
Different books have different ways to do it.
Some people will thank God after they are done.
The socially awkward rely on it far too much. The rest of us just do it when we need it.
If you do it too much, you might go blind!
Feel free to add your own.
Damnit, I was not posting to fast and now I don’t remember what I posted…sonuva…