Fuck yomega. duncan steve brown signature with large Buzz-On spacers and Karu Kentaro brake pads, Weight rings, and three ply slick-string with custom drilled Counter weights. Although the saber raider wasn’t too bad of a yo-yo.
Always got a laugh over Yo-Yo’s being cool for a while there. :p When I was in school, playing with a yo-yo was grounds for being beaten up… Pff, what next? Pogs making a comeback?
I used to have the glow-in-the-dark Fireball; I loved that stupid thing to death. Someone broke it back in high school, well after the yo-yo fad had ended…that meant I couldn’t find a string anywhere without ordering one, which I still haven’t gotten round to doing – the Fireball’s sitting on my desk by the computer, haha.
Fuck yah! I had this exact yo-yo.
Fuck yomega. duncan steve brown signature with large Buzz-On spacers and Karu Kentaro brake pads, Weight rings, and three ply slick-string with custom drilled Counter weights. Although the saber raider wasn’t too bad of a yo-yo.
I’d hit that !
Want to know how I know you’re gay?
@...thelotuseater725: I’m guessing you could do more than just walk the dog, which is about the best I could do on a good day.
This was my favorite Trick to do.
This one took me six months to learn.
Because i make you quote Judd Apatow movies?
@...thelotuseater725: Both links are the same video.
damnit how did you know.
Aw fuckadelli. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MkCeEevac4 There that is the one that took me six months.
I had the version of this with the springs inside it… cause I sucked at yo-yos.
Always got a laugh over Yo-Yo’s being cool for a while there. :p When I was in school, playing with a yo-yo was grounds for being beaten up… Pff, what next? Pogs making a comeback?
FUCK YEAH FIREBALL i had one of these too and a Brain
I used to have the glow-in-the-dark Fireball; I loved that stupid thing to death. Someone broke it back in high school, well after the yo-yo fad had ended…that meant I couldn’t find a string anywhere without ordering one, which I still haven’t gotten round to doing – the Fireball’s sitting on my desk by the computer, haha.