Chain Saw Gun

Chain Saw Gun

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    Ah yes, the archetypal frat boy gamer douche. The tribal tat, that fucking hair, and the blank stare that proclaims to all the world that the only thoughts running through his mind are “frags, chicks, and beer, bra.” Ladies and gentlemen, I present Cliffy B., uberscrote.


    Oh, and the t-shirt! If they was ever any doubt, that t-shirt seals the deal. I proclaim thee: DOUCHEBAG.


    vonDread you ignorant slut. Bonus points if you know what that’s from. Everything you “guesstimate” from this man is false, completely off set by the absolute zeroing factor of hold a fucking Lancer to the world as if to say “my gun has a chainsaw for a bayonet and yours does not.” That is bad ass.


    i’d hit it




    I see a dane cook wannabe holding a bunch of cardboard. but thats just me


    Haha, Great pick, This guy is Cliff Bleszinski (Not sure of spelling). Hes the lead designer on Gears Of War and Unreal Tournement. I think we can give him a break for looking like a “Douche” when hes the guy who invented this gun.


    No wai. This man is in TWO bands? Phew, even hardcorer. Somebody give this man a towel or something, it’s gotta be dangerous walking around hardcore like that.


    Also, inb4 trigger discipline comments


    gahh! Antagonista beat me to it… 🙁


    wartoaster: i thought that was dane for a second there but thanks for the relief


    “nothin’ but bits”


    unreal tournament was a revolution in awesome. Gear of War is another awesome game. However, I do side with Tycho (of P-A) in that the writing is made specifically for fratgamers


    Didnt play unreal much but though GOW was awesome. The second one is great. Not a mad fan of FPS but those ones really get me interested…


    Haha, hold on. I think I need glasses or something. I read, ‘lead designer’ as ‘lead singer’. /facepalm
    Ok in that case, it’s safe to say this guy is made of epic.


    I present to the Jury, Exhibit A:


    i just saw this guy on xplay on the G4 network.


    That is made of seven types of win


    Kurtt: Ha! I got an ad for Wrath of the Litch King right above the comic.


    Not real = Fail

    Cool T-shirt though.


    Looks like a modded “Nerf LongShot” one of these sold on eGay a while back for like $1500


    Kind of ridiculous without the guy weighing 200 pounds…


    If this is the guy that designed those games, shouldn’t he have buttloads of cash to give to someone to make a real, working lancer? 1500 bucks is twice what you need for say a Ruger mini 30 and a good chainsaw…..hmmmm.



    You obviously didn’t read what I said. I absolutely know who this is, that is why I mock him so. I’ve heard him talk, and I know the kind of games he designs. I’ve played Gears of War. It belongs in every frat boy douchbag asshole’s collection, right beside the Halo series.

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