warp nacelles are too close to the saucer section, the warp field is going to be disrupted by their proximity and it’ll never be able to go over light speed.
which sucks, cause it’ll take them the entire movie just to get to the end of our solar system.
Abrams, what the hell. this is not even CLOSE to what an X-wing looks like. X wing, meaning the wings are in an X… its like you’ve never seen star wars…
JJ Abrams is the current king of fucking over his fans. (he took the crown from David Lynch) While from what I have seen preview wise of this movie gives me hope that maybe, just maybe this once he might not treat the viewers like something other than with his usual utter contempt I’m not going to hold my breath.
Lost is the ultimate inside joke where the joke is on the viewer. And JJ and his cronies are laughing at them all the way to the bank.
Not that I have strong feelings on the subject or anything.
For the record, the fact that Lost is sucking ass at this point is ABC’s fault. JJ wanted to do three seasons, then end the series with a movie. ABC gave him the old “fuck no, you make us money!” response, so he told them right then and there he was going to destroy the series. I think we can all agree that season four is pretty much where Lost reached the “WTF” zone. And I’m not getting that off of forum fodder, a friend of mine worked for ABC at the time and was privvy to the coversation. Good times.
@tiki god
Actually, the closer they are to the saucer section, and the more streamlined the ships shape is, the better the warp field will be. Which means, this design is even more kick assier… yes, I am that big of a nerd…
@aarpie. No, you are wrong and here is why. I’ll even do it point by point for you.
1) You stated that JJ wanted to end at three seasons and do a movie but ABC said “no we want more money, do more seasons”. Ok, think about that. He wanted to stop making a TV series which makes decent money and move to a movie format which would make shitloads of money. How exactly is that less greedy than what ABC wanted?
2) When ABC told him to make more seasons he told them he was going to destroy the series. So he’d rather ruin a series beloved by millions and (once again), fuck over his fans because he was having the producer version of a temper tantrum because he wasn’t getting his way. BTW, if he had a contract with ABC for more seasons as part of the TV deal, then how is it right that he reneges on said deal so he could make a movie so he could gain more fame/attention/money?
3) His entire producing/directing/writing style is lazy and sloppy at best. He purposefully makes things overly mysterious, weird, dramatic and gives as little information out as possible while raising 5 questions for every answer he deigns to provide. It’s a style of writing that preys upon the human need to know things, especially that which is purposefully kept hidden from them. (you know, like a kid wanting to know what’s in his Xmas presents) It’s all action/reaction on the part of the characters, (who are all pretty one damn dimensional btw), and no real development of a real story. This way he doesn’t really need a real storyline, plot, story logic, real character development, dialogue, etc. He can just dribble tidbits of info out from time to time, keeping the fans wanting more like a bunch of junkies. David Lynch did this for years, which makes JJ derivative and unimaginative. He couldn’t even come up with an original way to fuck people over, he had to copy someone else’s style of doing it. The entire feel of “Cloverfield” screamed that aforementioned style.
4) JJ Abrams has on many occasions openly expressed his loathing and contempt for his fans, likening them to “rubes” or “suckers”. He treats his entire career like a gigantic inside joke played on the masses who are stupid enough to come back for more of his bullshittery. How do you feel knowing the person that created this show you like so much thinks of it as a meal ticket and has no respect for you, the person that paid for said meal? So little respect that he’d rather destroy the show than not get his way like some kind of child. This is the man you are so vociferously defending.
Like I said, I am a ST fan so I will give the new movie a shot. Since it’s a very different type of story his normal style of directing may not be applicable to it. We will have to wait and see. I hope, I really, really hope he doesn’t fuck it up. But I’m not betting against it.
@...tiki god: The nacelles could be angled back, like the refit Enterprise from TMP. Personally, I think the secondary hull is too short, it needs to be a bit longer to sort of balance it out. No other starship designs end right where the nacelles connect to the hull.
Srsly, if you are going to make a film based on one of the most popular and widely canonized sci-fi franchises ever, you’d think they’d do at least a *little* warp drive engineering research first before designing the spacecraft…
warp nacelles are too close to the saucer section, the warp field is going to be disrupted by their proximity and it’ll never be able to go over light speed.
which sucks, cause it’ll take them the entire movie just to get to the end of our solar system.
Man they sure switched up the look of the Millenium Falcon. I was always kind of bigger Star Trek fan anyway …
You mean the guys that make tanks make spaceships, too?
I am cautiously optimistic this will be good. I’ve learned to trust Abrams when it comes to quality entertainment, but…him doing Trek? I dunno.
And I agree. The nacelles are too close to the saucer section.
Abrams, what the hell. this is not even CLOSE to what an X-wing looks like. X wing, meaning the wings are in an X… its like you’ve never seen star wars…
that is the most futuristic bong i have ever seen.
So JJ Abrams is directing the Remake of Starchaser: the legend of Orin eh? I’m guessing this is Dags Ship
So what is the radius that warp nacelles need to function properly? 10m? 20?
JJ Abrams is the current king of fucking over his fans. (he took the crown from David Lynch) While from what I have seen preview wise of this movie gives me hope that maybe, just maybe this once he might not treat the viewers like something other than with his usual utter contempt I’m not going to hold my breath.
Lost is the ultimate inside joke where the joke is on the viewer. And JJ and his cronies are laughing at them all the way to the bank.
Not that I have strong feelings on the subject or anything.
For the record, the fact that Lost is sucking ass at this point is ABC’s fault. JJ wanted to do three seasons, then end the series with a movie. ABC gave him the old “fuck no, you make us money!” response, so he told them right then and there he was going to destroy the series. I think we can all agree that season four is pretty much where Lost reached the “WTF” zone. And I’m not getting that off of forum fodder, a friend of mine worked for ABC at the time and was privvy to the coversation. Good times.
@tiki god
Actually, the closer they are to the saucer section, and the more streamlined the ships shape is, the better the warp field will be. Which means, this design is even more kick assier… yes, I am that big of a nerd…
Are you kidding? Season 4 was lightyears better than seasons 2 and 3.
@aarpie. No, you are wrong and here is why. I’ll even do it point by point for you.
1) You stated that JJ wanted to end at three seasons and do a movie but ABC said “no we want more money, do more seasons”. Ok, think about that. He wanted to stop making a TV series which makes decent money and move to a movie format which would make shitloads of money. How exactly is that less greedy than what ABC wanted?
2) When ABC told him to make more seasons he told them he was going to destroy the series. So he’d rather ruin a series beloved by millions and (once again), fuck over his fans because he was having the producer version of a temper tantrum because he wasn’t getting his way. BTW, if he had a contract with ABC for more seasons as part of the TV deal, then how is it right that he reneges on said deal so he could make a movie so he could gain more fame/attention/money?
3) His entire producing/directing/writing style is lazy and sloppy at best. He purposefully makes things overly mysterious, weird, dramatic and gives as little information out as possible while raising 5 questions for every answer he deigns to provide. It’s a style of writing that preys upon the human need to know things, especially that which is purposefully kept hidden from them. (you know, like a kid wanting to know what’s in his Xmas presents) It’s all action/reaction on the part of the characters, (who are all pretty one damn dimensional btw), and no real development of a real story. This way he doesn’t really need a real storyline, plot, story logic, real character development, dialogue, etc. He can just dribble tidbits of info out from time to time, keeping the fans wanting more like a bunch of junkies. David Lynch did this for years, which makes JJ derivative and unimaginative. He couldn’t even come up with an original way to fuck people over, he had to copy someone else’s style of doing it. The entire feel of “Cloverfield” screamed that aforementioned style.
4) JJ Abrams has on many occasions openly expressed his loathing and contempt for his fans, likening them to “rubes” or “suckers”. He treats his entire career like a gigantic inside joke played on the masses who are stupid enough to come back for more of his bullshittery. How do you feel knowing the person that created this show you like so much thinks of it as a meal ticket and has no respect for you, the person that paid for said meal? So little respect that he’d rather destroy the show than not get his way like some kind of child. This is the man you are so vociferously defending.
Like I said, I am a ST fan so I will give the new movie a shot. Since it’s a very different type of story his normal style of directing may not be applicable to it. We will have to wait and see. I hope, I really, really hope he doesn’t fuck it up. But I’m not betting against it.
@...tiki god: The nacelles could be angled back, like the refit Enterprise from TMP. Personally, I think the secondary hull is too short, it needs to be a bit longer to sort of balance it out. No other starship designs end right where the nacelles connect to the hull.
Srsly, if you are going to make a film based on one of the most popular and widely canonized sci-fi franchises ever, you’d think they’d do at least a *little* warp drive engineering research first before designing the spacecraft…
Man, I’m not even going to see this.