Happens when electricians are pulling thousands of feet of new line, and the animal just happens to get snagged… All the wire is pulled up with a machine, so if noone sees the animal, it just gets pulled up, like this and that moose picture theeris posted.
I hate it when my Ram-A-Pult fails
Poor thing. Reminds me of this: http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll46/Panopticism/1eOVYi5Ltdtyz87kSbkg0Hoyo1_500.jpg
Fuckin’ Ram.
It’s always the fuckin’ Ram.
It’s a hemmi.
how the hell ,…? Hmmm?
he’s got a friend here: http://www.myconfinedspace.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/01/image6.jpg
I’ve woke up a few mornings like that except in full drag…hell of a party though
Oooooooooo…..stupid ram.
Happens when electricians are pulling thousands of feet of new line, and the animal just happens to get snagged… All the wire is pulled up with a machine, so if noone sees the animal, it just gets pulled up, like this and that moose picture theeris posted.
Hey you gonna cause a fire. You shouldn’t wire that kind of ram. Thats a Battery Ram! ts ts
@...dieAntagonista: There’s a sick irony in the fact that happened at a graveyard fence. ><
Damn, this made me laugh my strawberry milk out my nose and onto the keyboard. Poor Ram. *continues to giggle-cry*
*in a sing-song voice* ‘Cause hes got High hopes, hes got high hopes, hes got high apple pie in the sky hopes. . .
Had that song in my head all day thanks to this pic!