The only thing that pisses me off more than stupid sidekick “hero” wannabes is a grammar Nazi.
It’s the interwubs. If you haven’t noticed by now that people aren’t overly careful about their spelling, grammar and punctuation then you need to go see a proctologist and have your head removed from your ass.
It pisses me off as well but what are you’re better off ignoring it.
i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno’t mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.
Grammar Nazi
Spelling Nazi
Punctuation Nazi
Her point is that being an anal retentive asshole on the interwubs is pretty pointless.
@die, I had raed taht rorpet ahiwle bcak and it wroks olny for smoe poelpe. It deos wrok for me. Pterty cool, yes?
hey, bitterboys, you’re clouding up this thread that should be discussing the awesomeness of the Legion of Superheroes, specifically their tryout issues.
Fine. Here you go.
The original L.O.S. was one of the most retarded group of lame asses that DC ever came up with. It ranked up there with the Legion of Super Animals. Actually, the animals were cooler, as all of them had powers similar to Superman, unlike the majority of one trick tards that filled the ranks of the LOS. Guys like Leper Boy up there were a classic example of the Fail of the 30 and 31st Centuries that was the Legion. They had a couple of guys that were ripoffs of Superboy/man but with different weaknesses but by and large the Legion blew galactic goats. I mean, shit, Fatboy or Lardboy or whatever his damn name is leads them in the cartoon version. That’ll strike fear in the hearts of your enemies, having a super borderline diabetic with self esteem issues who is constantly eating as the leader of your valiant team. The revamp to a darker, more mercenary version of the Legion in the 80’s was far more palatable. Not least because Lobo was one of them.
@...garbledxmission: I prefer to sit around and debate She-Hulk or Ms. Marvel with my friend than imagine shits, but that’s us. Surprisingly my office is mostly She-Hulk.
this is why superhero’s hate sidekicks…
Best. Hero. Ever.
He looks like he’s got the plague. Nevertheless, I phear you arm-fall-off-boy
I’d hit that hole in his shoulder.
He looks like a He-Man character.
does anyone remember that hero/monster maker thing?! He’s from that….
@...theeris: “this is why superhero’s hate sidekicks…”
What belongs to the superhero in that sentence?
I don’t get it.
And what is the deal with the arm attachment point looking like a giant butthole?
The only thing that pisses me off more than stupid sidekick “hero” wannabes is a grammar Nazi.
It’s the interwubs. If you haven’t noticed by now that people aren’t overly careful about their spelling, grammar and punctuation then you need to go see a proctologist and have your head removed from your ass.
It pisses me off as well but what are you’re better off ignoring it.
And what IS the point of his butthole arm socket?
Now if you don’t know what an extra butthole is good for
I’m a grammar nazi. But here, try this:
i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno’t mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.
@...dieAntagonista: What does that have to do with grammar?
@...Ben1605: That being a grammar nazi is ridiculous? One could misspell every word in a sentence and it would still be pretty readable.
Grammar ≠spelling.
@...Ben1605: Alright I know, but what else would you call it then
Grammar Nazi
Spelling Nazi
Punctuation Nazi
Her point is that being an anal retentive asshole on the interwubs is pretty pointless.
@die, I had raed taht rorpet ahiwle bcak and it wroks olny for smoe poelpe. It deos wrok for me. Pterty cool, yes?
And it’s for pooping, silly.
Clearly, this must be Harab Serap’s dad.
hey, bitterboys, you’re clouding up this thread that should be discussing the awesomeness of the Legion of Superheroes, specifically their tryout issues.
my favorite Legionnaire is still Tyroc. angry black guy wearing a white disco suit, his power was that he yelled and different shit happened.
@...terwilligher: Are you kidding me? Matter-Eater Lad.
Not only can he eat any damn thing in the universe, he’s also one of the most powerful members.
Fine. Here you go.
The original L.O.S. was one of the most retarded group of lame asses that DC ever came up with. It ranked up there with the Legion of Super Animals. Actually, the animals were cooler, as all of them had powers similar to Superman, unlike the majority of one trick tards that filled the ranks of the LOS. Guys like Leper Boy up there were a classic example of the Fail of the 30 and 31st Centuries that was the Legion. They had a couple of guys that were ripoffs of Superboy/man but with different weaknesses but by and large the Legion blew galactic goats. I mean, shit, Fatboy or Lardboy or whatever his damn name is leads them in the cartoon version. That’ll strike fear in the hearts of your enemies, having a super borderline diabetic with self esteem issues who is constantly eating as the leader of your valiant team. The revamp to a darker, more mercenary version of the Legion in the 80’s was far more palatable. Not least because Lobo was one of them.
Yeah, and your super disco guy looks like a colossal fag.
Paul, imagine the shits Matter-Eater would have had?
Anyone can detach their arm and use it as a weapon. The tricky part is putting it back on.
@...garbledxmission: I prefer to sit around and debate She-Hulk or Ms. Marvel with my friend than imagine shits, but that’s us. Surprisingly my office is mostly She-Hulk.