It wouldn’t be Sarah who would donate them. It would be the GOP. And on top of that, I highly doubt they would donate them all in one batch, or even to one store.
There wouldn’t have been much else at Invesco, other than the plywood Parthenon, that needed to be built. It was designed as a concert venue. And that’s not counting what was spent at the Pepsi Center, also a concert venue, for the convention.
And yes, that’s an angry blog, but it does a nice roundup of source links that are not from angry blogs.
Well yeah whatever. Obviously looking sexy is much more important. How is one supposed to defeat them terrorists with their new-clear weapons, if your clothes look like the average Joe could afford them.
The really pathetic thing is, if he just wanted Grecian columns, he could have had his acceptance speech at Civic Center Park. It would have cost a lot less, and obviously security wasn’t considered a problem since he spoke there about a month ago. 100,000 people showed up – Invesco Field only holds about 70,000.
And for those of you who want a pic of some ass, scroll down to the ‘let me be brief’ pic.
@... Alice:
the problem is that you aren’t comparing like items. John Edwards (who, yes, turned out to be a douche for other reasons) caught crap for being an out-of-touch elitist for spending $400 on a haircut – why would anyone spend such a sum on personal appearance- while Palin’s $150,000 (or greater) personal appearance expense was supposedly justified.
If you have evidence of the Left criticizing a Republican candidate for the amount they spent on THEIR parthenon, which happens to be significantly less ludicrous than the $5.3 million, you would be in the neighborhood of the realm of those who slightly have a point. But you don’t.
But at least we can both rest comfortably with the knowledge that both our candidates had a resounding electoral and popular victory! Oh… nevermind.
I wouldn’t call it pathetic, but rather apathetic. I’m sure there’s a reason why Obama did that. He ain’t no fool.
And yeah he’s a rich guy, just like all the others, but in comparison to *some* politicians, he’s pretty modest. Ok granted, he’s a pretty handsome guy by nature, and not in need of a tanning booth or fancy clothes to look good, but still.
Obama should take a page out of Palin’s book and just fire the head of Immigration unless his aunt isn’t deported.
Although I do understand how the acts of a candidate’s relatives with which he has had little-to-no contact are a valid basis for comparison against the actions of an actual candidate.
Why so bitter? As if a person is defined by what their relatives do.
So let him have his bloody Parthenon. Getting accused of being a Muslim terrorist must be exhausting.
Those are pretty cheap attacks.
And btw, most of us on the right are MUCH more concerned with the ‘Christian’ church he belonged to for 20 years than whether he might have been raised in a Muslim household as a child. As a child, you pretty much have to do as your parents say. As an adult, you can choose whether your church is an instrument of love and unity or of hate and racism.
Also, its funny that you mentioned Obama’s church, considering Palin’s pastor had speeches saying that critics of President Bush would be banished to hell.
Trust me, I’m dreading his magic, LOL! Although I’m glad he came to his senses and removed the requirement to ‘volunteer’ from the website. There would have been 13th amendment challenges from the get-go.
I’d rather he end up being benign than ultimately harmful to our country. I know it may be hard to understand, but I love our country far more than I dislike Obama. I just haven’t seen anything in his words or actions so far that indicate that he’s not going to tear the country apart, constitutionally and economically.
Relax. It’s almost impossible to make it any worse than Georgie did. So you can’t get anything out of his words, hm? I find that surprising. I heard a lot of republicans admit, that his speeches are very powerful. About his actions, yeah I can understand that.
I don’t understand exactly, what you’re afraid of. His tax plan works in so many other countries, why not America?
What I’m afraid of is that he’s said he feels the Constitution is a flawed document and the Warren court wasn’t radical enough.
What I’m afraid of is that he’s said he’s willing to bankrupt the coal industry, despite the fact that it will drive energy costs to record heights, to chain us to energy technology that we’re not even close to achieving.
What I’m afraid of is that he counts his attempts to radicalize the Chicago public schools, with millions of dollars spent and no improvement in grades, as one of his major qualifications for president.
And I don’t think you even want to touch who someone maintains an occasional relationship with, given Obama’s history. It’s one thing to have to get along in a small town, Chicago gives a person plenty of opportunities to avoid someone.
You mean the extremist church Palin grew up in and left 6 years ago, but still occasionally visits has no valid comparison to the church Obama attended? If you say so.
Considering your name is Alice, if you don’t believe there were flaws in the Original constitution, does that mean you view the right to vote as an annoying inconvenience?
Nope. Genuinely missed you. When I was snarky, the site was predominantly left wing; pretty much a circle jerk. But then MCS got overrun with combative right wingers; pretty much, again, a circle jerk. I feel that a combative left-winger balances it out a bit.
Like you know yin and yang. I’m feeling really zen right now.
I love people who talk about the constitution and saying how it MUST STAY THE SAME.
Go look up some quotes on the Author of the constitution, aka, Thomas Jefferson.
He said that for a society to succeed and continue, that revolution, theoretically, every 20 years. Goddamn, this is the guy who wrote it, and he said changes would have to be made, and here we are, still clutching to that archaic, if still great document, preserving every little thing when changes DO need to be made. There is no way in hell that this country is doing well, we’re trillions in debt, the economy is falling, and the conservatives are standing around, fingers in ear chanting, “Oh no, that dirty liberal Muslim president is going to destroy OUR country.”
Country is already half destroyed, so, that argument is moot.
I don’t get it.
It wouldn’t be Sarah who would donate them. It would be the GOP. And on top of that, I highly doubt they would donate them all in one batch, or even to one store.
Make a point fail.
did anyone see her in her carhardt jacket? i just about died in roflcopter.
because obama’s and bidens suits were from Macys……
The point is that their defense of the outlandish expense was that they’d donate the clothes to charity after the election.
Remember, kids: John Edwards $400 haircut=BAD; Sarah Palin $150,000 wardrobe = Perfectly acceptable, you sexist douchebag.
@...mintymadness: You’re kinda thick.
Remember, kids: Sarah Palin $150,000 wardrobe=BAD; Obama’s $6 million plywood Parthenon = Perfectly acceptable, you sexist douchebag.
AliceH, I’m not doubting that the Parthenon was stupid, and a waste, but can you find me a source on it that isn’t an angry political blog?
Because nothing I can find in newspapers gives me the number $6 million. Only angry bloggers do.
I’m just kind of wondering how this:
Could possibly cost $6 million, and if so, why it didn’t make the newspapers, that I could find.
Like I said, not questioning. Just asking.
Cost of construction at Invesco Field: $5.3 million.
There wouldn’t have been much else at Invesco, other than the plywood Parthenon, that needed to be built. It was designed as a concert venue. And that’s not counting what was spent at the Pepsi Center, also a concert venue, for the convention.
And yes, that’s an angry blog, but it does a nice roundup of source links that are not from angry blogs.
Well yeah whatever. Obviously looking sexy is much more important. How is one supposed to defeat them terrorists with their new-clear weapons, if your clothes look like the average Joe could afford them.
The really pathetic thing is, if he just wanted Grecian columns, he could have had his acceptance speech at Civic Center Park. It would have cost a lot less, and obviously security wasn’t considered a problem since he spoke there about a month ago. 100,000 people showed up – Invesco Field only holds about 70,000.
And for those of you who want a pic of some ass, scroll down to the ‘let me be brief’ pic.
@... Alice:
the problem is that you aren’t comparing like items. John Edwards (who, yes, turned out to be a douche for other reasons) caught crap for being an out-of-touch elitist for spending $400 on a haircut – why would anyone spend such a sum on personal appearance- while Palin’s $150,000 (or greater) personal appearance expense was supposedly justified.
If you have evidence of the Left criticizing a Republican candidate for the amount they spent on THEIR parthenon, which happens to be significantly less ludicrous than the $5.3 million, you would be in the neighborhood of the realm of those who slightly have a point. But you don’t.
But at least we can both rest comfortably with the knowledge that both our candidates had a resounding electoral and popular victory! Oh… nevermind.
Furthermore, Obama didn’t try to take the parthenon with him and keep it in his backyard.
I wouldn’t call it pathetic, but rather apathetic. I’m sure there’s a reason why Obama did that. He ain’t no fool.
And yeah he’s a rich guy, just like all the others, but in comparison to *some* politicians, he’s pretty modest. Ok granted, he’s a pretty handsome guy by nature, and not in need of a tanning booth or fancy clothes to look good, but still.
@...chris_hates_freedom: Bahaha. Word.
So where’s Obama’s Parthenon now?
@...AliceH: Well I doubt he carries it as a fancy key fob around
Maybe he can give it to Auntie Zeituni so she doesn’t have to illegally live in federally funded housing anymore.
I don’t have a link saying where it went, so it must be in his backyard.
Obama should take a page out of Palin’s book and just fire the head of Immigration unless his aunt isn’t deported.
Although I do understand how the acts of a candidate’s relatives with which he has had little-to-no contact are a valid basis for comparison against the actions of an actual candidate.
Why so bitter? As if a person is defined by what their relatives do.
So let him have his bloody Parthenon. Getting accused of being a Muslim terrorist must be exhausting.
Those are pretty cheap attacks.
With friends like David Axelrod, Obama doesn’t actually have to keep track of his relatives himself.
And I agree, Palin didn’t act correctly re Tasergate. She should have shot her brother-in-law herself.
And btw, most of us on the right are MUCH more concerned with the ‘Christian’ church he belonged to for 20 years than whether he might have been raised in a Muslim household as a child. As a child, you pretty much have to do as your parents say. As an adult, you can choose whether your church is an instrument of love and unity or of hate and racism.
Huh? Aw come on, Palin is not even worth comparing to mister O. Alright he has his flaws, let him catch his breath and then watch him work his magic.
Sweet! you mentioned Rev. Wright! Now you just have to say “flag pin” and I can get a BINGO on my Obama internet debate card!
Also, its funny that you mentioned Obama’s church, considering Palin’s pastor had speeches saying that critics of President Bush would be banished to hell.
Trust me, I’m dreading his magic, LOL! Although I’m glad he came to his senses and removed the requirement to ‘volunteer’ from the website. There would have been 13th amendment challenges from the get-go.
I’d rather he end up being benign than ultimately harmful to our country. I know it may be hard to understand, but I love our country far more than I dislike Obama. I just haven’t seen anything in his words or actions so far that indicate that he’s not going to tear the country apart, constitutionally and economically.
You mean the Assembly of God church that she hasn’t been a member of since 2002? Four years before the pastor made that statement?
Relax. It’s almost impossible to make it any worse than Georgie did. So you can’t get anything out of his words, hm? I find that surprising. I heard a lot of republicans admit, that his speeches are very powerful. About his actions, yeah I can understand that.
I don’t understand exactly, what you’re afraid of. His tax plan works in so many other countries, why not America?
yeah, that one. The one she maintains a friendship with and attends special meetings.
What I’m afraid of is that he’s said he feels the Constitution is a flawed document and the Warren court wasn’t radical enough.
What I’m afraid of is that he’s said he’s willing to bankrupt the coal industry, despite the fact that it will drive energy costs to record heights, to chain us to energy technology that we’re not even close to achieving.
What I’m afraid of is that he counts his attempts to radicalize the Chicago public schools, with millions of dollars spent and no improvement in grades, as one of his major qualifications for president.
What I’m afraid of is that his rationale for not taking our guns away is that he wouldn’t have the congressional backing.
I could keep going, but I’ve gotta get back to work.
And I don’t think you even want to touch who someone maintains an occasional relationship with, given Obama’s history. It’s one thing to have to get along in a small town, Chicago gives a person plenty of opportunities to avoid someone.
You mean the extremist church Palin grew up in and left 6 years ago, but still occasionally visits has no valid comparison to the church Obama attended? If you say so.
Considering your name is Alice, if you don’t believe there were flaws in the Original constitution, does that mean you view the right to vote as an annoying inconvenience?
I missed you, Chris Hates Freedom
Uh-oh… waiting for the snark….
Nope. Genuinely missed you. When I was snarky, the site was predominantly left wing; pretty much a circle jerk. But then MCS got overrun with combative right wingers; pretty much, again, a circle jerk. I feel that a combative left-winger balances it out a bit.
Like you know yin and yang. I’m feeling really zen right now.
Once Palin is out of the limelight there will be peace and zen. God told me.
I love people who talk about the constitution and saying how it MUST STAY THE SAME.
Go look up some quotes on the Author of the constitution, aka, Thomas Jefferson.
He said that for a society to succeed and continue, that revolution, theoretically, every 20 years. Goddamn, this is the guy who wrote it, and he said changes would have to be made, and here we are, still clutching to that archaic, if still great document, preserving every little thing when changes DO need to be made. There is no way in hell that this country is doing well, we’re trillions in debt, the economy is falling, and the conservatives are standing around, fingers in ear chanting, “Oh no, that dirty liberal Muslim president is going to destroy OUR country.”
Country is already half destroyed, so, that argument is moot.