Although it’s still an awesome car, designed to be a plug-in hybrid that will run its first 40 miles on electric alone before switching to the gas motor, it was originally designed with a pretty aggressive look, with similar edges & lines like the new Camaro/Challenger style.
I never drive more than 40 miles a day, so this would be a perfect car for me…until I get my electricity bill and realize I’m gonna get screwed there instead. Oh, and don’t they burn coal to generate energy? I don’t live near a nuclear plant, so I guess the environment loses either way.
What do you mean, “bitched it out?”
I don’t know jack about this car but it looks pretty sweet.
What’s that on the side? USB cable?
Oh lemme guess, all you need is a laptop to recharge it. Very nice.
Maybe he was referring to Chevy’s plans to stop development and lay off the Volt staff. Or maybe that was a rumor started by one guy:
“All of this has happened before and all of it will happen again.”
Although it’s still an awesome car, designed to be a plug-in hybrid that will run its first 40 miles on electric alone before switching to the gas motor, it was originally designed with a pretty aggressive look, with similar edges & lines like the new Camaro/Challenger style.
What it should’ve looked like:
Instead we get this bitched out version, which looks more like a Chevy Malibu or something:
I never drive more than 40 miles a day, so this would be a perfect car for me…until I get my electricity bill and realize I’m gonna get screwed there instead. Oh, and don’t they burn coal to generate energy? I don’t live near a nuclear plant, so I guess the environment loses either way.
Also, your government will have to figure a new way to tax you for roads since you are not paying tax on gasoline.
There are alternatives to the national grid for powering your plug-in electric car.
@...the_duck: When I hear something is “bitchin” I usually assume that it’s a good thing. “bitched out” seems like it would be an angry good thing.
Fuck Big Oil!