I was thinking of shooping a photo and did a google image search first. Came up with that picture.
Original credit (or at least where I found it): urockobama.com/upload/cookin.gif
Do You Smelllllllllllllllllllll(etc), What Barack is Cookin?!
} ?>
Awesome. If only it was 1998 and The Rock was still culturally relevant. I like The Rock, but he kinda flopped as an action hero. Still, this is full of victory.
Fried chicken?
and mixin Kool-Aid?
cutting up some watermelon?
boiling some collard greens?
@...AlecDalek: Kinda flopped? I loved “walk tall” and the other moving one with Walken.
Barbecue, watermelon
Cadillac Car
We’re not as dumb
as you think we is.
Open up a We-be-toys in every city?
The park near where my father lived used to have signs that said “No Melons, No Liquor”. Shortly after he passed, they decided to change the signs to just read “No Liquor”. Wish I had a shot of the old sign now.
Not that that has anything at all to do with this image…
@tiki god: Agreed – I’ve seen “walk tall” several times as well as a few other movies of his and I think he’s a great actor. For some reason, my wife thinks he’s a great actor, too…
It’s smells like a load of shit. Prepare to be disappointed.