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Ok…so I am an Obama supporter who attends Liberty University…(don’t ask why I go here) and people here are very upset that McCain did not win…needless to say Evangelical Christians believe that Obama is the antichrist…so when i got back from class today i saw this on CNN you all must enjoy 🙂

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    I have an evangelical friend who legitimately believes that Obama is the devil incarnate. Arguing politics with him is impossible since his beliefs are “infallible”. It drives me nuts! Anyway I’m totally sending this to him just for kicks.

    Special Kail

    Winners: Everyone else… even them really they just have to get the fuck over them selves.
    doc: you should slap that friend on the mouth and tell him to quit his bitchin and yield to the power of the flying spaghetti monster. RAmen.


    This better not be what the next 4 yrs will be like.


    Dude, I’m reading the on campus living guide. Is this shit for real? I’m not sure which is more nazi-esque, the part about no mature-rated video games or the fact that they make exceptions for realistic military games.


    If obama is the anti-christ then he is a really shitty one. I mean i don’t see any miracles being performed. Only thing he has in common is that he has some eastern blood in him. Fucking idiots should read the bible before they get all pious.

    Alec Dalek

    Christians are the anti-Christ.


    doc: Ditto and done. I can’t wait to see what she’ll come back w/.

    Alec Dalek

    Christians are my anti-religion.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    A young university student who thinks he/she knows everything about the world and is a “Obama supporter”?

    No way! 😐

    Religious people are desperate losers everywhere. Doesn’t change the fact that Russia smells blood because you’ve got Paris Hilton running your country now.


    Jesus christ. Paris Hilton? Really?

    I’m willing to BET MONEY that Obama went to a better school than you, made better grades, has a higher IQ, and is a far more capable PERSON, much less president, than you are. So do you think you’re better than Paris Hilton?


    beep beep

    CNN was all smug about the election results. Real smug.

    Alec Dalek

    beep beep: It’s not smug when people are genuinely happy.





    You are just brimming with logic and rational aren’t you ?


    All of our best presidents have gone to good schools and had high IQs, no exceptions. The crappy ones didn’t do well in school.

    Besides the fact that the pattern is almost exactly the opposite. Much like with rich people mostly not having higher education. Go figure.

    In any case, he’s Kenyan, so let the marathon jokes come in.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    I went to an Ivy league school too. 🙂

    I got high grades.

    I would make a bad president because I have no experience. He will be a bad president for the same reason.

    He’s in power because of elaborate popularity contest.




    i bet logic isn’t fluid in Symbolic World, and therefore don’t cause things to “brim.”
    rationality, however, may be slightly gelatinous


    mAgnUS BUTTfoorson:

    For the sake of my curiosity, what will you say if his term goes swimmingly, or even just fine? Will you call it luck? Will you admit to being wrong?
    Because the problem with your statement is that you know yourself- you don’t know the President-Elect. You can’t say what will or won’t happen definitely. You can guess. If you asked me, I’d say he might do well, and that possibility is enough for me to put hope in. McCain just didn’t give that same feeling of possible success- only a dim foreboding of worse problems


    Thrella: I’m afraid to ask what W’s IQ is.


    Also: What would be considered enough of and proper type of experience?


    Definitely Conifer at work here



    I like your quips. Even if they are vaguely derogatory to me.


    Don’t feed the troll. Seriously.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca


    I’ll say great job.

    Honestly I’m not a pessimist I just know that he’s only a figure head and the act he’s following is kind of a tough one. There’s a reason comedians never want to go on after someone has bombed.

    But all these disillusion little twats think he’s going to sashay in and turn water into wine. It’s pathetic. We all know he’s only there because of his race. It’s 100% undeniable. So quit puffing your chests out like this is some historic victory. This will just be another series of disappointments and as much as he’s a symbol of change for you sheep he’s a symbol of pussbag to countries who have been sitting around waiting to bitch slap America.

    What experience should he have? Maybe running a large scale business would help. Or some higher body of government. Hell…how about some military experience?

    People saw his opponent for his age and race. But he had connections and clout and a rep. Obama has a toothy smile and good PR.


    mAgnUS BUTTfoorson: I never underestimate what a toothy smile and good PR can accomplish. Hell, it might get you all the way to the White House. ;<)


    I love that you used the word, “sashay”. So much awesome. Now I have the image in my head. Even more awesome. Dammit, now whenever I see him walk I’m going to imagine him sashaying along and trying not to laugh out loud. Dammit.
    And as for the bitch slapping. They kind of already did that 7 years ago and look how well the reaction to it has turned out.


    I do question his ability, character, and competence for the job. Preceding the election I was fortunate enough to speak him on several occasions. I was not at all impressed. I have also been fortunate to have a greater degree of access to information about he and all the candidates running for office since the primaries. Far more information than the public ever sees. Having watched many speeches, numerous press releases and other documents, I came to the conclusion he was not the best choice for office and cast my vote accordingly.

    He has indeed run a successful campaign. I now wait so see if he lives up to the responsibilities he will inherit come January. I reserve my final opinion of him as commander and chief until after he actually served in that position for awhile.

    It is my hope that he lives up to the hype and the false persona he has created throughout the campaign, though I will not be surprised if he is found wanting.

    I question how much “change” can occur when although the Presidency will change, The House and Senate essentially will not.

    I also find the appointment of Rahm Emanuel chief of staff interesting. Emanuel has a tendency to be a “win at all cost” kind of guy and was involved in some less than above board dealings with Freddie Mac back in 2000-2001 that helped lead to our current economic crisis. His promotion of Universal Citizen Service and wishing to turn College degrees into the new High school diplomas doesn’t sit well with me. He was also a supporter of the Iraq war.

    Biden is a “loud mouth,” “old skool” politician. He has pushed through legislation in 1994 (signed into law by Clinton) that was later ruled unconstitutional, Served on the United States Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Homeland Security where he helped to strip away rights of citizens, wrote the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act that banned assault weapons, created 60 new death penalty offenses, and classified more things as crimes. Biden also wrote the laws that created the U.S. “Drug Czar”, and has had a hand in the failed us drug laws and regulations. Biden also voted in favor of the Iraq war, and was very vocal up until being picked as VP about Obama’s lack of qualifications for the Presidency.

    Though a proclaimed catholic, Biden has been refused communion in a number of churches, and barred from ever speaking at a catholic school for his Stance on Abortion, that is directly opposed to that of his supposed faith.


    What is going on? Not all evangelical Christians believe such nonsense. And dare I say, that non of the people who think evangelical Christians(or the social conservatives even) are the losers, understand anything about what Obama stands for.

    nyokki: George isn’t actually that stupid. He’s got an IQ of 120!
    The only problem is he’s a marionette, that’s all.


    Obama can’t be one of the Anti-Christs, he’s the Great Black King Nostradamus told us about.


    Even if he were the Anti-Christ, is that really so bad? That means that the rapture is not far away. I thought that was what they want. REPENT!!! THE END IS NIGH!!!

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca


    I don’t think dieAntagonista has a sweet fucking clue about anything Obama “stands for”.

    But she/she sure likes saying it!

    Enjoy your first black eye from politics, numbnuts.


    dogolopee: You were doing fine ’til that last paragraph, that was just moronic (and in my mind a point in his favor).

    dieAntagonista: I wouldn’t call 120 high but I really thought someone was gonna say 160 or higher. Whew!

    soulmotor: I read that too in The Daily Squib.


    nyokki: While I do not find his stance on abortion itself a problem, I find his willingness to call himself a devout catholic then vote and support something that according to his faith is consider a mortal sin. While I understand and sympathies for having to reconcile the conflicts between his faith and the will of the people, he too frequently “flip-flops” between the two when he finds it advantageous. He shows no real dedication to either, but rather as if he uses his faith only when convenient.


    BarelyWorking: That is the problem with the group labeled as “Evangelical Christians,” they do not have a full understanding of the Christian faith. Sadly though they are what most people it seems think of when they think of a Christian.


    Uh so, I am another Liberty, Obama kid….didn’t see this one coming.


    dogolopee: God says no to abortion is in the bible? That is news to me.



    mAgnUS BUTTfoorson: “So quit puffing your chests out like this is some historic victory.”
    Nope nothing historic here.

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