Obama Turns The Page

Obama Turns The Page

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    “8 years of failed policies from George Bush, 21 months of campaigning. We are less than one day away from bringing about change in America. Tomorrow you can turn the page on policies that have put greed and irresponsibility before hardworking sacrifice. Tomorrow you can choose policies that invest in our middle class. Create new jobs. Grow this economy so everybody has a chance to succeed.
    Not just the CEO but the secretary and the janitor. Not just the factory owner but the men and women who work the factory floors. Tomorrow you can put an end to the politics that would divide a nation, just to win an election.
    That pits region against region, city against town, republican against democrat. That asks us to fear in a time when we need hope.

    We’ve tried to make sure that we’re always reminding our supporters. That all of us are in this together. Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, Democrat and Republican, young and old, rich and poor, gay and straight, disabled and not disabled. all of us have something to contribute. ”

    I’d sell a small part of my soul if I could have been in Virginia to hear this with my own ears.


    i rather die a slow painful death. fuck you dieantagonista!


    ‘i rather die a slow painful death’ Ah I think we could arrange something for you. You’ve got any plans for tonight? I’ll bring the toolbox.


    like what? its not going to matter aslong as you die slowly and painful


    @nobody knows:
    Way to not make any sense at all and contradict yourself…


    he just got elected. suicide is starting to sound good, need help.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    nobody knows: I’m sure you can find someone who will help you commit suicide.




    Of course he has to turn the page, Bush couldn’t even figure out how to open the book.


    There I go, bein’ a star again
    There I go, turn the page…

    Alec Dalek

    nobody knows: You are so LAME!

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