Just for fun I’m going to point out that the Republicans, as late as 1992, were willing to silently but unquestioningly accept and ally themselves with David Duke, probably the most influential Grand Wizard in the last fifty years, just to get an extra seat in the House.
I’m saying you’re a dipshit, dipshit. And so what if he was a congressman? If your precious left wing could have wooed him you know damned well they would have so eat a dick.
“However, white supremacists actually support Ron Paul.” Yeah, because of false propaganda. Though the craziest I have seen so far, are all for McCain.
@...Puulaahi: Ha. Those skinheads already got released actually.
If you cut a reversed B in your face, and you don’t go to jail, I can understand that. But if you’re a batshit insane skinhead ready to kill? Wtf.
Just for fun, I’m gonna point out that Al Gore was seriously supported by Fred Phelps of Westboro Baptist Church. Phelps attended both Clinton inaugurations at the invite of Al Gore.
Just for fun, I’m going to point out that Robert Byrd WV-D and also the longest serving senator ever was a KKK member and was also AGAINST Desegregation. Its not just republicans.
@...mikematty: Prior to 196something the Democartic party was the anti-black segregationist (simplistic, but you get my point)party. When LBJ signed the Civil Rights bill he said: “We have lost the South for a generation…”, expecting a huge backlash from southern whites against the Democratic Party. Prior to that it was the Republicans(Lincoln’s party)that most blacks voted for. So, Byrd (Democrat)would have been in the party that the KKK endorsed. He has since renounced and condemned the KKK and their like.
But by the same token all the people that are voting for obama just cause he is black are also racist. And last i checked there are more places where you can be killed for being white than black in America.
If Obama were being “judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character”, then we wouldn’t even be HAVING this election, he’d have been cast into seclusion long ago.
I’m pretty sure MLK Junior can join the Founding Fathers in providing electricity to this country from his grave.
He’s got to be spinning in his grave pretty fast today, and all.
@...AbNo: In this country being black means something. There’s a history between blacks and subjugation. To ignore that fact is not being a non-racist, it’s a different way to tell blacks that they don’t count. In a perfect world, color would mean nothing, but we’re not there yet. So yes, you may be right, he may be where he is in part because he is black (the fact the we keep calling him black says something too, since it’s not literally true). Voting for him would mean something too…because he is black and, right here, right now, I’m ok w/ that.
@...AbNo: Oh and in 1993, Byrd was asked by Bernard Shaw: Q: What has been your biggest mistake and your biggest success?
A: Well, it’s easy to state what has been my biggest mistake. The greatest mistake I ever made was joining the Ku Klux Klan. And I’ve said that many times. But one cannot erase what he has done. He can only change his ways and his thoughts. That was an albatross around my neck that I will always wear. You will read it in my obituary that I was a member of the Ku Klux Klan.
@...nyokki: So, you’re choosing someone based not on the content of their character, but the color of their skin?
@...nyokki: And? If you push a politician far enough, he’ll throw anyone under the bus after defending them devoitly for years or, more recently, months.
His Pastor and Mentor, his grandmother, his “close, personal friend”. Anything to be used as an advantage, and discarded like refuse when they become political baggage.
It’s really easy to do when you get a pass from the media. 😀
@...AbNo: No, I’m not voting for him based on his color. In general I agree w/ his philosophy. All I said is that in America the color of a person’s skin matters. Voting for a black person says something. It’s ridiculous to say it doesn’t. It put him in the spotlight. His character kept him there.
Both McCain and Obama have thrown several people under the bus. I don’t base my votes on non-issues that negate each other. Actually I think the biggest person that McCain threw under the bus was his 2000 self. To think that McCain hasn’t also had a huge pass from the media is also ridiculous. Both these men have been well loved by the media.
@...AbNo: Oh and please, don’t pretend that you don’t understand the points I’m making by insisting on simplistic ideas in my writing. You’re an intelligent person, give me the same credit and realize that there’s no way to deal w/ all the nuances of this in a mere paragraph or two.
While I do agree, unfortunately this is a moot argument.
i bet it is.
seems like i already did. also the add below this post is one for mccain, it makes me laugh
ad…i cant spell
wow… that is gaytarded
Just for fun I’m going to point out that the Republicans, as late as 1992, were willing to silently but unquestioningly accept and ally themselves with David Duke, probably the most influential Grand Wizard in the last fifty years, just to get an extra seat in the House.
This probably won’t make any more impact for anyone than any past associations of either candidate.
Seriously, this should have less impact. Because the candidate is not endorsing them, and no candidate would.
Actually I was not aware of that, thank you.
We all know Bloods and Crips are Obama supporters though. Do YOU really want to vote for someone they support?
See…I can simplify and vilify people based on race too.
PS: Caio read that little factoid he just shat out on a conspiracy site. The same one that told him about the anti-Cree agenda.
Also he’s a dipshit.
Wow, notice how the mask looks like a skull. This is brainwashing propaganda of the worst kind.
Are you saying David Duke wasn’t a congressman, Magnus?
Not to mention Al-Qaida.
However, white supremacists actually support Ron Paul.
I’m saying you’re a dipshit, dipshit. And so what if he was a congressman? If your precious left wing could have wooed him you know damned well they would have so eat a dick.
“However, white supremacists actually support Ron Paul.” Yeah, because of false propaganda. Though the craziest I have seen so far, are all for McCain.
@...Puulaahi: Ha. Those skinheads already got released actually.
If you cut a reversed B in your face, and you don’t go to jail, I can understand that. But if you’re a batshit insane skinhead ready to kill? Wtf.
Fuck yeah! KKK! SEIG HEIL
true and valid…
Just for fun, I’m gonna point out that Al Gore was seriously supported by Fred Phelps of Westboro Baptist Church. Phelps attended both Clinton inaugurations at the invite of Al Gore.
Going to remind you again, Magnus, that I’ve voted conservative in every election.
Tiki with the race card from NO WHERE!
Just for fun, I’m going to point out that Robert Byrd WV-D and also the longest serving senator ever was a KKK member and was also AGAINST Desegregation. Its not just republicans.
Soooo, am I the only one who noticed the klansman has a black hand …nice try Obama. You don’t need to appear in ALL your smear campaigns!
KKK supporting McCain?
Get the fuck outta here, the Republican party is the real KKK.
@...mikematty: Prior to 196something the Democartic party was the anti-black segregationist (simplistic, but you get my point)party. When LBJ signed the Civil Rights bill he said: “We have lost the South for a generation…”, expecting a huge backlash from southern whites against the Democratic Party. Prior to that it was the Republicans(Lincoln’s party)that most blacks voted for. So, Byrd (Democrat)would have been in the party that the KKK endorsed. He has since renounced and condemned the KKK and their like.
This is a bit of a cheesy shot, but… With all the Obama/Osama jokes and Palin’s hints that Obama is a terrorist supporter, not uncalled for.
@...nyokki: Excellent point.
There’s a big difference between being KKK for two years when you are a teenager and being the most famous Grand Duke in KKK history.
But by the same token all the people that are voting for obama just cause he is black are also racist. And last i checked there are more places where you can be killed for being white than black in America.
If Obama were being “judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character”, then we wouldn’t even be HAVING this election, he’d have been cast into seclusion long ago.
I’m pretty sure MLK Junior can join the Founding Fathers in providing electricity to this country from his grave.
He’s got to be spinning in his grave pretty fast today, and all.
“The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia.”
And that’s AFTER Byrd quit the Klan. What the hell is a “Kleage”, anyway?
@...AbNo: In this country being black means something. There’s a history between blacks and subjugation. To ignore that fact is not being a non-racist, it’s a different way to tell blacks that they don’t count. In a perfect world, color would mean nothing, but we’re not there yet. So yes, you may be right, he may be where he is in part because he is black (the fact the we keep calling him black says something too, since it’s not literally true). Voting for him would mean something too…because he is black and, right here, right now, I’m ok w/ that.
@...AbNo: Oh and in 1993, Byrd was asked by Bernard Shaw:
Q: What has been your biggest mistake and your biggest success?
A: Well, it’s easy to state what has been my biggest mistake. The greatest mistake I ever made was joining the Ku Klux Klan. And I’ve said that many times. But one cannot erase what he has done. He can only change his ways and his thoughts. That was an albatross around my neck that I will always wear. You will read it in my obituary that I was a member of the Ku Klux Klan.
@...nyokki: So, you’re choosing someone based not on the content of their character, but the color of their skin?
@...nyokki: And? If you push a politician far enough, he’ll throw anyone under the bus after defending them devoitly for years or, more recently, months.
His Pastor and Mentor, his grandmother, his “close, personal friend”. Anything to be used as an advantage, and discarded like refuse when they become political baggage.
It’s really easy to do when you get a pass from the media. 😀
@...AbNo: No, I’m not voting for him based on his color. In general I agree w/ his philosophy. All I said is that in America the color of a person’s skin matters. Voting for a black person says something. It’s ridiculous to say it doesn’t. It put him in the spotlight. His character kept him there.
Both McCain and Obama have thrown several people under the bus. I don’t base my votes on non-issues that negate each other. Actually I think the biggest person that McCain threw under the bus was his 2000 self. To think that McCain hasn’t also had a huge pass from the media is also ridiculous. Both these men have been well loved by the media.
@...AbNo: Oh and please, don’t pretend that you don’t understand the points I’m making by insisting on simplistic ideas in my writing. You’re an intelligent person, give me the same credit and realize that there’s no way to deal w/ all the nuances of this in a mere paragraph or two.
*large ASCII art of Picard facepalming that I’m too lazy to go find*
I’m going to go play TF2.
@...nyokki: (Credit)
Oh, I understand.