Very late submission, but it covers two themes. I named him Knuckles due to the fact that he has extra toes/thumbs on his front paws. These thumbs come in handy when he needs to pick things up or open doors/cupboards. I’m sure that one day he’ll burn the house down after he figures out how to use a lighter.
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hehe he/she’s trying to keep warm
And I think you are referring to “dew claws” even though I am pretty sure they are only on dogs…
@...casemods: I’ve had 2 cats w/ extra toes and claws, 6 toes on front paws and had pseudo-claws running (roughly)1/3 the way up the legs. The one cat (Tom) had ~20 claws on his front legs.
@deleted_user: They are actually extra toes…I should’ve submitted a pic that showed them a little better. There’s a name for cats like him, “polydactyl cats” aka “Hemingway cats”. Pretty interesting stuff to read up on if you’re bored…