Mortal Enemies?

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If so, i want as many enemies as i can get!!!

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    Yep, they’re enemies. Freakin’ dogs killed my cat this summer 🙁 Was so depressed.

    bright green

    The dog in the first pic is just about to tear that kittens head off.


    bright green: Nope, the kitten is waiting for the ref to count the dog out.

    He’s got him in the dreaded Czechoslovakian nose hold, it’s a submission hold banned in most UN member countries.


    If they are mortal enemies, then I wholly and absolutely support kittens. A pit bull attacked my little brother last Friday. It slobbered all over his jacket, it ripped part of his new pants (jeans, mind you), and it even bit him such that he was bleeding and needed to use hydrogen peroxide.

    Perhaps worst of all, it was a “domesticated” dog, and its owners were a bunch of 7 to 10-year olds who didn’t even have enough sense to keep their pit bull on a leash. And it just charged at my little brother from the side as he was walking home from school!



    yawn: I know exactly how your little brother felt. The same thing happened to me years ago.


    Marrock: That made me laugh.


    Dogs and cats living in harmony, COMPLETE and TOTAL chaos!


    yawn: Don’t dis all dogs based on one badly trained and managed dog that was of a breed that is known to have tenancies for violent behavior. And, while I do prefer cats, I’ve known some pretty vicious felines in my day…


    Tyger42: I agree partially. There are hardly any pet dogs that are more likely to become so violent. 99% of the time it’s the owners who made them that way.
    And yeah it’s true a cat could never harm you as bad as a dog could. But on the other hand,a cat could never be as loyal to its owner like a dog could be. Not even any where close.


    A truly vicious or frightened cat can do a lot of damage in a short time.


    I don’t knock cats. I just don’t understand them, and don’t know why my buddies cats find me comfortable. They always curl up on me when I go over for beer and Halo night. Most dangerous breed? It was a “champion bloodline” poodle that my Tia had that bit the hell out of me when I was 8. Psycho thing would be all pet me! feed me! then try to take your hand off. So nope gimme mutts. regular mutts. no toy or mini crosses, the roadrunners around here would mistake em for dinner


    Tyger42: Well, this wasn’t the only incident. A few years ago, a vicious, gruff-looking black dog owned by my neighbors’ relatives (who were staying there temporarily) started chasing my little brother at night when he was walking home alone from a friends house. Thankfully our house was right next door, and my brother was able to get to the side yard (which thankfully wasn’t locked) and close the side-yard fence. If not for that unlocked side-yard fence, by the time we’d open the front-door, he’d probably be mauled.

    Also, when I was a little child, I was chased by a dog that, given my age, was nearly to my shoulders. You can imagine how annoyed I was with the owner (who, like many other dog owners, apparently doesn’t believe in leashes) said, “Bad, bad dog! Gee, I’m sorry. He usually isn’t like that!”

    Also, one Japanese girl who stayed at my house (she was an international student, who paid rent here) also got freaked out by that black dog, who growled at her and, of course, was unleashed.

    Kittens have yet to provide such bad experiences. =/


    Kittens are not the same as feral cats. Never, ever underestimate a cornered/feeding/mating feral cat. It can rip your face (eyes and nose especially) to shreds in seconds. Of course, most cats we come in contact w/ are not actually feral, even the ones we think of as wild. I can’t remember the name of it (I’m sure someone here will know)but there’s a “new” breed of cat that’s a tame cat being mated w/ a small wild cat. The offspring are small, but not tame, even if raised from birth. It takes generations to tame a breed and these are being sold to families w/ other pets and children. A very bad idea, once something happens they are almost euthanized.


    Well, I was kind of referring to house cats as opposed to house dogs. Of course, wolves and African big cats are all deadly, but the types of cats generally kept as pets aren’t as dangerous as many of the dogs kept as pets. I, personally, would never put my face right next to an adult house cat.


    yawn: Right…you wouldn’t wanna see epic boobs or anything.


    I *always* want to see epic boobs.


    yawn: Then you might wanna rethink your position.


    Crazy5hadow: It was a pretty awesome Theme Day. I guess I submitted mine too late, since I haven’t seen them…or maybe I just fucked the submitting part. ;)p

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