These are some edited shots from what I took Sunday during the Jacksonville NAS Air Show 2008. I’ve got something like 800 pictures to upload to Flickr later this week. Just check out my Flickr account for updates. Some are not so good shots, and you won’t believe how many beautiful shots of empty sky I got. I did damn near fill my 4 gig card, which I wasn’t expecting to do.
The first shot is of a P3 Orion that they maintain out of this NAS. The second is a rendering of the new P8 that they will be maintain as they retire the P3’s. I’m not exactly likely the fact that jets will be replacing turbo props, but I’m told that they will actually be quieter by a couple of people that work on them. What I really don’t get is that I know I’ve seen the P8s flying out, so I don’t understand why we didn’t see a real one.
The last two are of the Blue Angels as examples of what I could actually make out from the previews. The originals are 7 megapixels, so preview on this 1280×800 screen, even full screen is pretty bad.
Not a whole lot of new hardware to show, they didn’t even have a static F22, and I don’t even flew one (I was late getting there, so they may have flew one). I guess FedEx was a sponsor, since they had a DC10 there. Flew in one, seen the picture of the engine falling off, been there, done that.