Swiffer’s first trip outdoors. I took this in between his pitiful “take my back inside” cries.
My pet cat-Swiffer
Added on November 1st, 2008 by SomethingToBelieveIn | Report Post
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, MCS Pets
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, MCS Pets
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This is why cats are better than dogs.
What is why cats are better than dogs?
Good name for a fluffy floor-high pet.
He’s possibly the cutest thing I’ve seen in the past hour!
Hahah, love the name. My cat is white too, but not as cute.
@...Jimmed: Hahaha! And that’s just because my pets’ pics were posted more than an hour ago. 😉
Swiffer rocks! I’m sure he learned to love the outside eventually.
Bet ya anything he went back in a little less white.. personal experience speaking.