NIN was one of the worst shows I’ve ever seen. I saw him in the early 90’s. Trent Reznor was on stage throwing tantrums and yelling at people. Whiney bitch makes money selling angst to kids who have no real reason to be suffering angst.
@...Tastyzippo: I’m not out of touch. My response was specifically about the concert that I saw (and the music at the time)… which happens to be one of the worst concerts I have ever attended (I can’t decide if Metallica or Beastie Boys is the actual worst).
You’re right that his music has evolved but I still haven’t really liked much of what Reznor has worked on over the years. On occasion there will be a track that is creative/interesting. That’s a personal taste thing… not an “out of touch” thing.
This was an incredible light and sound show. I saw them in Toronto and I’m seeing them in Ottawa.
Who the F voted 1/5 ? ._.
@...w0x: a CUNT. they put on a pretty fucking awesome show.
I would love to see them in concert. NIN was the reason I started listening to “alternative” after …er…decades of classic and punk rock.
Caught Trent & co. back in the 90’s with Manson. It was the Downward Spiral tour. Pretty frikking amazing.
Why does canadnana get all the good shit? the wall bleeds- i was in ahhhh.
NIN was one of the worst shows I’ve ever seen. I saw him in the early 90’s. Trent Reznor was on stage throwing tantrums and yelling at people. Whiney bitch makes money selling angst to kids who have no real reason to be suffering angst.
@...outofocus: You’re out of touch. Trent is off of drugs now and does a lot of creative stuff with different media.
@...outofocus: @...Tastyzippo: like a couple billion LEDs turning red and “bleeding down” the back drop- Fuckin incredible.
@...Tastyzippo: I’m not out of touch. My response was specifically about the concert that I saw (and the music at the time)… which happens to be one of the worst concerts I have ever attended (I can’t decide if Metallica or Beastie Boys is the actual worst).
You’re right that his music has evolved but I still haven’t really liked much of what Reznor has worked on over the years. On occasion there will be a track that is creative/interesting. That’s a personal taste thing… not an “out of touch” thing.
Got my tickets for the Greenville, SC show on the 1st of November.
Overrated bitch is overrated.
Trent is actually quite the musical genius.
@...Phyreblade: I agree. Though he remains in a strict musical style I would stretch the definition and call him a Louis Armstrong of industrial.