Mila Kunis

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Mila Kunis as Mona Sax in the Max Payne film.

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    didn’t someone here have sex with her while going to UCLA? or was that another site…










    the things i would eat out of her ass, you have no idea. . .


    Ya… this is absurd.
    As long as she doesn’t talk.
    It’s hard not to envision Meg from Family Guy.


    Actually, its easy not to envision meg from family guy. Just stare at those amazing chest hams.


    Oh yes,… as long as she keeps quiet.
    but thats standard for all women.


    Oh My!

    Alec Dalek

    MrDooves: You know she was on another show, right?


    AlecDalek: You know she had the voice of Megan on that show, right? (lol)


    I’m sure no one will believe me, so I don’t know why even I’m posting this, but:
    I fucked her.
    It was almost exactly a year ago. I was visiting a friend who goes to law school at UCLA. We went out to a manhattan bar (which is one of the few non-nerdy I do well). After dancing a bit, she told me her name and there was a pause, like I should be impressed, and she said, “you know, from Max Payne?”. And was I was like, “Yeah, I’m from New York City.” and she laughed. So ended up going back to my friend’s apartment, drank some wine, then he took his girlfriend home, and well…she robbed us.
    Anyway, I didn’t realize who she was until I got home and tried to look-up her number on-line.
    I think I’ve still got some picture on my old cell phone. I’ll check when I get home.


    she’s my girlfriend


    Doesn’t anyone see her detached boob? Look at her arm and trace back. LOL


    Am I the only one wanting to go see this film?



    i fucking lold even though its old


    Had to be resurrected for a picture this fitting. Also that boob is fucked up. Fucking hot chick, though


    How could anyone 1 this?


    She looked pretty dang hot in Max Payne, but Olga Kurylenko was hotter.

    Max Payne has style but lacked big time in substance.

    Special Kail

    Her whole chest area looks totally shopped or something, non of it looks rite.. I hate to be the “SHOOP!” guy, but it just doesn’t look real…
    diabeetus: If you did, win, if not, two heaping scoops of fail.

    Special Kail

    oh, and PS, why the FUCK is Marky Mark playing max payne? Don’t get me wrong, I’ve actually grown rather fond of him as an actor, but shit, this is ridiculous…


    For the idiots yammering about her right breast, that’s HAIR. It almost matches the color of the outfit perfectly, but you can clearly see the difference once you use your brain for something other than something to fill your head. 🙂

    Special Kail

    I’m not talking about the hair, or the side boob area, I’m talking about the actual exposed chest part, it just looks weird. It could just be the picture, or there could have been some airbrushing involved, who knows. Way to be a dick though, high five!


    This girl annoyed the heck out of me in “That 70 Show” But she actually seems to get better looking the older she gets.

    Special Kail:
    Well, given Max Pains penchant for akimbo weapon fire in slo-mo mid-air action, can you think of better character to play him?


    I liked her style a lot in Max Payne. I hope she gets some more action roles.


    She was pretty much the same in family guy as megs voice, and that 70’s show, except shes pretty in that 70’s show.


    Special Kail:

    It’s called “cleavage”. Now, I know that as a nerd you have little to no experience with cleavage, but that’s no reason to insult hotties beyond your reach. 😀


    Forget the weird boob, what I want to know is where did her arse go? She’s just a waist with legs attached :/

    Special Kail

    NoOneInParticular: Goddamnit! I was saying the PICTURE looks weird. WTF!? How hard is this to explain? I have ample experience with cleavage, be it my own floppy man tits or my girlfriends big whoppers. I’m not insulting this dumb bitch I’m just saying that the PICTURE looks weird. FUCK!


    She has gotten significantly more attractive as she has gotten older. She was OK in that 70’s show, but she is looking hotter now.


    I think the entire picture from the neck down is shopped…. but anyway. ANybody know if she’s going to be in anything other than max payne?


    jasonp: People usually develop most by the time they hit 21-25.


    And unlike the rest of the “high school cast” of that 70’s show, she was actually a high schooler (born 1983, show started filming in 97). A girl who looks better at 25 than 14? Who woulda thought?

    @Special Kail,
    Why are you letting this guy bait you? Once someone sends out a you-must-be-a-virgin comment, you can generally assume their jerking you around.

    And yes, assuming this is a pic taken for FHM or Blender or whatever, then yes it’s gonna be airbrushed. It’s also a low res free picture posted on a webforum not officially associated with the movie or whatever publication this was meant for.

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