Full size: http://flickr.com/photos/now-in-iceland/2917617879/sizes/o/
i got the “Northern Lights” …sniker..
you got the “northern lights”? what is that even supposed to mean? you have boobs? no wait, you have high lights in your hair?
wtf, come back with better material.
Plus, learn to spell “snicker”.
I’ve always seen it as “snigger”
He meant “Northern Lights” as teh psuedonym for high potency hydroponically grown marijuana.
No lie, that shit will fuck you up.
Well, in that case, I will happily forego any further recriminations. Twist one up!
Fuck you tiki your blocking my comments arn’t you!
Wtf is wrong with your comment box? took like 8 mins.
@...FlappyCunt: You got stuck in the doorway fatass
wtf- awaiting moderation? I drink too much i smoke too much i type too much- fuck moderation. b-4 all this- i was gonna post some pics of the NL. Should start a good Troll!
I got fuckn stuck in LIMBO- Fuckn server! Slow shit! RENEW! RENEW!
i got the “Northern Lights” …sniker..
you got the “northern lights”? what is that even supposed to mean? you have boobs? no wait, you have high lights in your hair?
wtf, come back with better material.
Plus, learn to spell “snicker”.
I’ve always seen it as “snigger”
He meant “Northern Lights” as teh psuedonym for high potency hydroponically grown marijuana.
No lie, that shit will fuck you up.
Well, in that case, I will happily forego any further recriminations. Twist one up!
Fuck you tiki your blocking my comments arn’t you!
Wtf is wrong with your comment box? took like 8 mins.
@...FlappyCunt: You got stuck in the doorway fatass
wtf- awaiting moderation? I drink too much i smoke too much i type too much- fuck moderation.
b-4 all this- i was gonna post some pics of the NL. Should start a good Troll!
I got fuckn stuck in LIMBO- Fuckn server! Slow shit! RENEW! RENEW!