Looking at it that should be the old RAF Greenham Common. About 40 miles west of London. Those six bunkers are where they housed the GLCM’s (Ground Launched Cruise Missles) The brown big strip in the upper left is where the old runway was. I believe it was 9000 feet long.
I was there in late 1989 for the start of the INF treaty. We brought in a radar system for ATC purposes.
This is where the first Russian aircraft landed for the start of many inspections.
There use to be a bunch of peace women who lived outside the base in tents. They had been there so long that the Royal Post started delivering mail to them.
No matter what you post here on m[c]s, someone will know all about it. It’s kinda fun. Perhaps I’ll start looking for things to try to stump all of you. Thanx for the info etad52.
looks like a fireworks bunker setup as for where it is that’s a bigger question.
Telly-Tubbies compound
Ammo bunkers, can be found around every military base, like
This is my house.
Looking at it that should be the old RAF Greenham Common. About 40 miles west of London. Those six bunkers are where they housed the GLCM’s (Ground Launched Cruise Missles) The brown big strip in the upper left is where the old runway was. I believe it was 9000 feet long.
I was there in late 1989 for the start of the INF treaty. We brought in a radar system for ATC purposes.
This is where the first Russian aircraft landed for the start of many inspections.
There use to be a bunch of peace women who lived outside the base in tents. They had been there so long that the Royal Post started delivering mail to them.
Yes it is RAF Greenham Common.
Do a google map search for it, then go to the satellite image, zoom in and it will be on the west end.
No matter what you post here on m[c]s, someone will know all about it. It’s kinda fun. Perhaps I’ll start looking for things to try to stump all of you. Thanx for the info etad52.
@...etad52: Yeah, if I use a bunch of initials, I can sound smart, too! lol
IMO this GIJOE C.R.I.B. looks like its D.O.A. referring to my old YMCA days and digging holes in the back Y>A>R>D